Chapter 15

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James found himself facing Dumbledore once again as the headmaster was seated in front of him, Sirius, Remus and Regulus. They had no choice to consult his expertise. Dumbledore was filled in about Regulus, how they had brought all the books they could find on hocruxes from the Black library to Potter Manor and how the only ways they could find to kill a hocrux so far were with a basilisk's venom or a Fiendfyre.

Dumbledore stroked his beard and pressed his lips together "Have you talked to Horace?"

I paid him a visit. He was very hospitable until I brought up Tom Riddle and hocruxes. He then got short with me and insisted he knew nothing about it," said James indignantly.

"I should have expected this. It would take more time to wear Horace down. I suggest paying a visit during the Chirstmas break with Harry after you've both taken a Felix Felices potion," said Dumbledore.

James was pale as he ran his hands over his hair "We still haven't managed to find a way to kill the hocrux inside of Harry."

"We'll find a way eventually. We just have to keep searching. But till then, we can find the other hocruxes and destroy them," said Dumbeldore.

"We don't know what those other hocruxes are and where to find them. How are we supposed to find that out?" Sirius tapped his foot.

"Knowing Tom, I can guess ... and my guesses are usually good, that he used things of significance like symbolic trophies. For example, the Slytherin locket. I suspect he tried to use an important relic of each of the Hogwart's founders. He wasn't successful in obtaining Gryffindor's sword but he may have in obtaining Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem."

"Where do you suppose Voldemort would hide those things?" asked Remus. "He tried to hide the locket in a cave. Do you think he hid all his hocruxes in complicated places?

"I suspect he hid them in places of significance to him. That cave was where he sacred two children he grew up with in the orphanage as a child. But I am looking deeper into Tom's past. Hopefully I can find what we need to identify and locate his hocruxes," said Dumbledore as the four young men in front of him nodded in agreement.

"Do you need any help in looking into Tom's past?" asked James.

"Not at the moment. But if I will certainly inform you if I need assistance".


The Slytherins were buzzing with excitement as Draco entered the Hogwart's Quidditch pitch for tryouts. He felt partly amused by the hopeful Slytherins in the crowd as he was sure most of them would only make a fool out of themselves. He felt a jolt in his stomach when he caught sight of Abigail Potter among the crowd with her broom. Why did he feel that way whenever he looked at her? Regardless of how beautiful she was, she was Potter's cousin. But she was his cousin too. He didn't have to look at his cousin as Potter's cousin. She played Quidditch just like him.

Draco took a seat next Abby who turned her back towards him.

"I'm your cousin too you know. Not just Potter", he said.

"Yeah well, he's nice and you're not".

It was Draco's turn to turn his back towards her. If she was going to be rude, he wasn't going to bother being nice to her. He stared slack-jawed at the broom on Abby's hand. It was a Firebolt. His dad had refused to buy him one because he had already bought his whole team Nimbus 2001 last year. He wouldn't be getting a new broom until next year. He bet Potter also got a Firebolt and it depleted his mood like a deflated balloon.

Marcus Flint blew his whistle as a sign for them to settle down. He announced that everyone was to tryout, including existing members who weren't guaranteed a spot. At their protest, he insisted that he had to pick the best, whether they were existing members or newcomers. However, there was one vacant spot on the team. A spot for a chaser. Draco himself was guaranteed a spot on the team because of his father's generous donation to the team last year.

Draco couldn't take his eyes off Abby when it was her turn to tryout. Perhaps there was nothing objectively extraordinary about how good she was, but there was just something about her that had such an effect on him. He wished she wouldn't have come to Hogwarts or at least have been sorted in Gryffindor. He couldn't have those feelings about her. She was an annoying, rude girl and Potter's cousin. But part of him was glad and wished he could get her to like him. He quickly shook off those thoughts. Draco managed to regain his seeker spot while Abby got the vacant chaser spot. He didn't know how to feel about Abby being on his Quidditch team. A part of hated it and yet a part of him was glad. This time, the latter won out as he also considered the look on Potter's face when he had to play against his own cousin.


Ron tapped his feet on the floor as he paced the common room. "Why is Hermione taking so long?"

"I don't know. She usually doesn't take this long. Now, we even have Abby waiting for us downstairs," Harry frowned.

It was their first Hogsmeade weekend and Abby was to hang out with Harry and friends at Hogsmeade.

Harry gaped and felt a jolt in his stomach when Hermione finally came down from the girl's dorm. She was dressed in a light blue top and a white pleated skirt. Harry has noticed that she has gotten her hair done even during the summer, but now is was more noticeable as it was the first time he was seeing her with make-up or even a skirt. The sides of her hair were pinned back.

She blushed when she saw both Harry and Ron staring at her. "Umm ... Lavender and Parvati insisted on doing my hair and make-up. They also insisted I wear these instead of my usual jeans."

"Do I look awful?" Hermione asked apprehensively.

Awful was the last thing Harry thought she looked like.

"No. Hermione, you look great," said Harry, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Yeah, you look alright," said Ron.

"Let's go. Abby's waiting for us," she said.

=to be continued=

Please, please review so that I know if it's good or if I have to improve anything. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

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