The Marauders confront Dumbledore

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This chapter is completely about The Marauders confronting Dumbledore about everything. By everything, I mean all of it. That's why it's quite long.

Dumbledore arrived through the Potter Floo Network to be greeted by four nasty glares. Two glares in particular, from James and Sirius looked about ready to kill him. After the Hogwart's headmaster, another face they all hated stepped out of the Floo Network. It was Severus Snape.

"Hello Professor," James and Sirius said through gritted teeth. It took all of their self-control to refrain themselves from attacking Dumbledore.

"Now, now, James and Sirius. I understand that you would both be furious. But I had to do it for Harry's safety. You were both against sending Harry to the Dursleys so I had to put you in prison to carry out my protection plan for Harry. I knew I wouldn't be able to convince you to send Harry to the Dursleys," Dumbledore tried to explain.

"Darn right I would never have agreed to give Harry to those dreadful people," James said with a clenched jaw as he shook his fist.

"James, you have to understand. It is essential that Harry returns to The Dursleys," said Dumbledore.

James and Sirius had to be held back by Harry and Remus as they lunged at Dumbledore.

"Since Lily sacrificed herself for him, the protection charm to protect him from Voldermort can only work if he has a home with her blood," said Dumbledore.

"But professor, Voldermort has lost all his power," said Remus.

"I'm afraid Remus, Voldermort is not gone forever. When he rises to power again, Harry needs the protection wards he has from Lily's blood," said Dumbledore.

"There are other ways and other types of magic to protect a person, professor. And it doesn't explain you cutting me off from Harry or disregarding James and Lily's decision on their son," Remus pointed out.

James's face was flushed as he clenched his fist. "You didn't even do a darn thing to ensure Harry was treated well at The Dursleys. They made him sleep in a cupboard under their stairs for ten years where they would often lock him up with no food as punishment."

"Not to mention they treated him like a house-elf and they once locked him up and put bars on his windows the summer before his second year," Sirius added, looking just as red with anger as his best friend.

"That bastard, Vernon even hit him as punishment," said James enraged.

Sirius crossed his arms as he glared at Dumbledore. "Forget everything else, but we refuse to accept your lame reasoning for betraying us and sending us to prison."

"In all fairness Sirius, it was illegal for James and you to become illegal animagi," said Dumbledore.

"Oh, so this is about upholding the law now. Then we should get you thrown in prison for forgery, illegal manipulation of the law and being an accessory to child abuse, proofesssor," Sirius fired back.

"We know you used your influence to increase our sentence from 7 years to 17 years. And you didn't just do it for Harry's protection. You wanted him under your control until he was of age. Which explains why you produced fake documents that left you as the guardian of Harry and my family's assets." James pointed his finger at Dumbledore.

"That is not true," said Dumbledore defensively, although he knew it was true that he wanted to control Harry as his weapon against Voldemort.

"You made me out to be dead instead of making it publicly known that I was in prison," James said furiously.

"Of course he did. He didn't want Harry to know his father was still alive as it may have led to Harry learning about his manipulation," Sirius said with equal contempt.

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