MALPRACTICE (Shirabu Kenjirou)

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Title: Malpractice

Pairings: Shirabu Kenjirou x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, medical malpractice, Shirabu is a terrible doctor

Summary: How far will Shirabu go to make sure he keeps his favorite patient by his side?



improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner, lawyer, or public official.

Shirabu had always put his emotions aside in favor of logic and practicality.

Logic, he believed, was most important for a job like this. Cold, emotionless logic that detached him from his patients. That way, he would not mourn their unavoidable losses or empathize too heavily with their pain.

He would do what needed to be done. Nothing more, nothing less. Those that let their emotions take over were not fit to be doctors.

At least, that's what he believed.

He had had patients like you before. Smiling through the pain, friendly to your doctors and nurses, kind in a way that no one ought to be. He didn't care. Not at first.

You were planning to stay for just a few days for a pretty invasive surgery on your leg. You wouldn't be here long and he wasn't the one doing surgery. Just giving you some updates here and there. The nurses took the most care of you.

He shouldn't care at all- he never did. You were no one special... so why?

Why was he giving you more updates than anyone else? Checking on your health obsessively after the surgery? Glancing furtively at your room windows to make sure you were doing alright?

As your time in the hospital drew to a close, Shirabu found himself becoming more and more panicked. He'd never felt this stressed at work and, at first, he couldn't place where this newfound fear was coming from. When he'd realized that it had to do with worrying about a patient, about you?

He was disgusted. Irrational behavior, irrational thoughts, just irrational.

That wasn't who Shirabu Kenjiro was! He was as rational and capable as they came!

But when it came to you, he was never really himself, was he?

On your last night, he'd pumped you full of pain and sleeping medication so you wouldn't feel a thing. A scalpel was all he needed to insure you stayed longer.

"It's rare for scars to split open like that, I'll have to talk to the surgeon," he'd say, come morning, "We don't want it to become infected, so you'll have to stay here so we can monitor you."

But that would only keep you here for so long, wouldn't it? He needed to look at your files, find out where you lived and everything he could before he let you go.

People got sick from hospitals all the time, didn't they? He could keep you longer that way... but he couldn't risk endangering your life.

A few clicks at the computer was all it took to get your address. He'd drive by after work, break in if it was empty.

He could hear your assigned nurse fussing over the incision in your leg, see her finally heading towards him to report what she'd found.

You looked so nervous, but he knew you'd understand. You'd smile and thank him for doing his job.

You'd thank him for being selfish and hurting you to keep you near him as long as possible.

Isn't that illogical?

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