SWATHE PART 2 (Kita Shinsuke)

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This was a Quotev request!

Title: Swathe Part 2

Pairings: Kita x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Bound by your own bandages, you're forced to come to terms with the consequences of ignoring Kita's feelings.



wrap in several layers of fabric.

Your heart pounds in your chest as you struggle against your bindings. It's been so long that the sky outside the car is darkening and you feel tears prick your eyes. You've made zero progress so far and you find yourself idly wondering how many bandages he used. Your whole supply, perhaps?

Escape was futile at this point, wasn't it? But you couldn't give up, not when you had so much to live for... and you weren't sure Kita would let you live through this ordeal. For all you knew, he was planning to kill you somewhere secluded.

The only option you can see is to talk your way out of it, but you don't see how. Who knows if he was willing to talk at this point.

"Why?" You whimper, "Why are you doing this?"

Kita's eyes flick to the rearview mirror, seeming surprised. "Doing what?"

You're dumbfounded, "Kidnapping me?"

"Oh," Kita's quiet for a moment, as though he didn't plan to have to explain his reasoning to you, "I didn't want to share you. With Aran. With the team. With everyone else."

"If... if this is about my date with Aran, I can cancel," you're embarrassed by the way your voice comes out in a pathetic whine, but maybe it was better that way, to appeal to his sense of decency, "I never meant to hurt you. I didn't know that you... I don't know..."

You'd gladly cancel your date if it meant Kita would untie and let you go. You had no idea he was jealous or that his jealousy would lead him to go to such lengths. You'd always thought he was pretty emotionless and uncaring, never even had an inkling that he was interested in you that way.

"I'm glad you feel that way, (Y/n)," Kita responded, a small smile and blush playing across his face.

He kept driving.

"What do you want me to do?" Desperation is leaking into your voice now as it raises an octave, "I'll do anything! I'll quit my job if that makes you less jealous of your team. Please..."

"That won't work," Kita says dismissively, "You'll just get another job and I'll have to deal with that too. No, I don't want to compete anymore. I can't compete."

The last bit of his sentence came out wavery, as though he was beating himself up about something. Perhaps he was insecure? Is that why his jealousy was so strong? It still didn't explain... this.

"But Kita... I can't just leave everyone behind..." You were willing to do just about anything, but you couldn't just drop off the face of the earth. It wouldn't be much better than what you worried he was about to do.

"I know," He was giving you a pitying expression now, one that made your blood boil and renewed your efforts to escape your bindings once more, "That's why I'm making the decision for you."

"Are you going to kill me?" You had begun to doubt that was his endgame, but you needed to rule out the possibility.

Kita looked horrified at the very prospect, giving you a disbelieving look through the mirror, "What? Why would I do that? I love you."

He turned his eyes back to the road, as though that answer solved everything. If anything it just left you feeling more hopeless. You'd learned about limerence in psychology- is that what this was? Was he really going to kidnap you and keep you with him until his feelings wore off? What if they didn't wear off? Or what would he do if they did?

Reality sunk in like an anchor. You were really screwed, weren't you? You weren't getting out of this.

The person who held you here was the kind, quiet, unassuming volleyball captain who you'd thought would never hurt a fly. What happened? What went wrong? What did you do?

Tears began to roll down your cheeks but Kita didn't notice until a quiet sob escaped your lips. His eyes softened, a certain sadness behind them.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it," Kita murmured, "It'll be okay. I'll never harm you and I'll make sure you're happy."

If anything, that made the tears fall faster. A part of you hoping to gain his pity let your sobs wrack your body loudly and violently. You felt like you were about to vomit all over yourself or pass out or both.

It's not until the car takes a turn onto a gravel path, no longer on the road but into a driveway that reality hits you once more. Suddenly, you're twisting and turning frantically in your bindings, screaming at the top of your lungs for somebody to save you.

Kita sighs in the driver's seat but you can't tell if it's sadness, exasperation, or a dreamy sort of sigh. You can't see him anymore through your tears.

He reaches a hand back to wipe at the river of tears. You try to flinch away but there's nowhere to go.

"We're home."

You let out one last scream before your voice gives out completely.

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