DISTRACTED PART 2 (Nishinoya Yuu)

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Requested on Quotev

Title: Distracted

Pairings: Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Nishinoya is done being ignored.



unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied:

The world was silent. You weren't used to that.

For years, you'd always had at least on earbud in at all times. Need to wash yourself? Take a bath and watch some anime. Sleeping time? Put on some music and drift off to dreamland.

To be without your headphones was... debilitating. Like one of your senses had been ripped away. A part of you, gone.

Maybe it was a bit strange to be so dependent on an object, but you couldn't help but miss it. It would be a great comfort right now, considering the situation you'd found yourself in.

You shifted uncomfortably in the chair, the ropes chafing your skin as you did so. You'd been tied so tightly that you couldn't move an inch.

You flinched as the door to the room you were kept in opened up and a boy came inside. Your face twisted in confusion as you tried to place his face. He looked familiar, but you were never good at identifying people.

"Who are you? What do you want?" You demanded, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you held them back.

The boy jerked back, looking hurt. He seemed to wilt, head hanging low as he realized you didn't recognize him. Even after he'd put so much effort into trying to get to know you. To get you to notice him back.

"I'm Nishinoya Yuu. I was your classmate."

"Was". That word was a real punch to the gut. It inferred that you no longer were considered a classmate. It meant that you weren't going back to school anytime soon. If ever.

"Nishinoya," you started, cringing at the way he seemed to relish the way you said his name, grinning widely back at you, "Please let me go, I don't want to be here. I want to go home. I'm scared- please!"

Nishinoya didn't look particularly concerned, still smiling broadly at you, "It will all be okay, sweetie!"

You didn't believe him. Your breaths came in sharp bursts and you were forced to try even harder to hold back your tears. A panic attack was on the horizon.

Suddenly, you became a writhing mess, tearing your wrists' skin as your tried to rip your hands free and twisting your ankle as you simultaneously worked on your legs. You flailed around so much that your chair fell backwards and, when it hit the ground, the air was knocked out of you.

"Wait! Calm down, (Y/n), calm down!" Nishinoya was lifting your chair up a moment later, trying desperately to soothe your panicking form.

"No," you blubbered, the tears finally escaping, "Just let me go! I wanna go home..."

Nishinoya wrapped you in a hug the best he could as you sobbed into his chest. It was strangely comforting, even if the person you were crying into was the person who brought you to tears in the first place.

You felt the pressure on your wrists disappear and were relieved to see that he had released your hands from their rope prison. To your disappointment, he left your ankles tied. It was better than nothing, at least.

"I know what will cheer you up!" Nishinoya gasped excitedly, as he pulled out two white objects from his pocket.

Upon closer inspection, you realized they were wireless earbuds. Fear crawled up your spine as you wondered how he knew you well enough to guess what specific thing could help your relax.

The boy leaned in and popped an earbud in each ear. Soft music played in your ears and your eyes widened when you heard it. One of your favorites...

Nishinoya gave a little wave as he left the room. You knew it was only temporary- that, in reality, these earbuds did nothing to protect you from potential harm your kidnapper could bring to you.

But it was a distraction.

And you welcomed it.

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