DISTRACTED (Nishinoya Yuu)

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Requested on Quotev! It's kind of short I'm sorry ;-;

Title: Distracted

Pairings: Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Nishinoya finds it easy to be himself when you don't even notice.



unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied:

You always had at least one earbud in.

Nishinoya knew, without a doubt, that you'd shove your hands into your hoodie's pockets and listen to music whenever you had a chance. You even discreetly covered one with your hair so you could listen during class.

Sometimes, you'd play anime episodes on your phone instead of music, eyes glued to the screen as your earbuds blasted the dialogue into your ears. You always had the volume up so loud people could hear the buzz of muffled noise if they sat too close to you.

If your eyes weren't watching anime, they were unfocused and staring off into the distance, blind to the world around you. There was really only one word for it- one word for you.


If you took out your earbuds and looked around, you'd probably notice Nishinoya right away. He wasn't subtle. In fact, he was much better described as loud, clumsy, and obvious.

If you took out your earbuds, you'd notice you were being stalked. Followed home. Watched through your window. Watched all through class.

Nishinoya enjoyed your obliviousness- it made it easy for him. Normally, he'd be worried that he'd give himself away, even when trying his best to be sneaky. But with an adorable, distractible girl like you? Well, he didn't even have to try.

He could "accidentally" run into you wherever you went without suspicion, brushing up against you until he shuddered from the small contact. He could walk so closely behind you on the street that his nose was overwhelmed with your sweet scent.

His favorite thing to do was watch you through your bedroom window. To be honest, you didn't do much different from anywhere else (earbuds in and phone out), but it felt so much more intimate when it was just you two. Even if you thought you were alone.

Another thing he loved is how often you forgot things, leaving them behind for him to take. And you never seemed bothered when you couldn't find what you'd lost. Even the one time you left a hoodie behind after taking it off in the heat, you'd just shrugged and put on a different one.

Sometimes he got a little attention-starved, desperately wishing that you'd pay him some mind. No matter what he did, you only ever looked up for a second or two, if that. And he rarely heard you speak. That's why he recorded your voice any time he heard it, fingers pressing clumsily against his recording program whenever you opened your mouth, to later replay over and over when he was alone.

Nishinoya loves you, so he loves everything about you. He listens to the same songs and watches the same anime, even making sure he doesn't watch too far ahead. He liked to believe that, one day, the two of you could talk about all your incredible similarities. That maybe you would realize he was perfect for you.

But that day was far off, that he knew without a doubt. He could barely get your attention, so how could he keep it long enough to have a conversation? For now, he'd keep learning, keep biding his time.

One day, he'd be able to walk up to you and act surprised when he sees the same anime he'd been watching currently playing on your phone.

One day, he'd be able to make your beautiful eyes turn to him and light up with interest in something other than your music and anime.

One day, he'd have your heart for his own.

Game of the Insane (Yandere Haikyuu!! x F!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now