Chapter 15

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Though I retire later than normal after helping the princess with her bedtime duties, I wake early the next morning to once again resume dressing Asteria. I envy Maria as I watch her sleep soundly in the bed below mine while I dress myself, but I must attend to my duties no matter what. My mother, and all of Landiani, is counting on me, and after what I witnessed in Arkford, I know there is more work to be done.

I slip quietly out of the maids' quarters in the early morning hours and head toward the princess's chambers. It is easier for me to navigate the estate now without the help of Alba or the other maids, and though the early wake-up can be tedious, it is a joy being able to see the sunrise filter through the windows of the estate each morning.

I unlock the door to the west corridor and begin walking down the hallway toward Asteria's bedchamber. Before I can reach it, however, Alba exits from her room, looking as prim as proper as ever, in stark contrast to the disheveled version of herself that I witnessed the evening before.

"Miss Fe. It is good to see you did not sleep in today," Alba says as I approach her.

"Of course not. I had my duties to attend to, after all," I say.

"And how did the princess's bedtime duties go last night?" Alba asks.

"They went well. I apologized greatly for being late to helping Her Majesty," I explain.

"As you should. Was there a reason that she specifically called for you?"

I bite my lip. I cannot risk telling Alba about what Asteria said to me last night about our growing friendship. "I don't know," I say at last. "But I am happy to assist her at any time."

"Hm. Carry on, then," Alba says. "The princess's breakfast will be waiting for her down in the dining room."

I nod. The tension leaves my body as we part, and I finally arrive to the princess's quarters. As I unlock the door to her room, I am surprised to see Asteria awake and seated on her couch. There is a book lying on her lap, which she looks up from upon my entrance.

"Oh. Good morning. I had not expected you to be awake," I say.

Asteria slowly closes her book and sets it down on the table beside her. "I figured it would not be fair for me to sleep in when you were expected to be here so early. I made sure to wake on time today."

I find Asteria's comments strange given the position of power she is in, but I suppose these sentiments are just a way of her affirming our "friendship."

"I appreciate it," I say. "But you may sleep in if you desire. Don't take my feelings into account. Are you ready to get dressed for the day?"

Asteria nods, and we fall into our normal dressing ritual. As I brush out her hair, she speaks. "Are you still interested in taking a walk with me this afternoon?" Asteria asks.

"Of course," I respond. "Will you relay that to Alba on my behalf? I do not think it would be wise coming from me. She may think I am slacking off on my duties."

Asteria giggles. "Sure. I will tell her at breakfast. How about this afternoon? The sun will be brightest then, and the weather should be comfortable."

"Yes, that works," I agree.

I do not try to pry information from her during the remainder of my morning duties, knowing that I will have the opportunity during our afternoon garden stroll to speak to her more privately. When we part, I take on my other tasks for the day, such as helping clean dishes with the cooks after breakfast and folding laundry with Maria in the late morning.

As the sun moves higher into the sky, I enjoy a midday meal back in the maids' quarters. The other maids are out performing their duties, so I sit back and bask in the silence. That is, until the door opens, and Zofia comes in, carrying a heavy basket full of her laundry.

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