Chapter 27

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The weeks pass by quickly. The days grow hotter and longer, and the rolling hills of Esterpool darken in shades of green with the onset of summer storms. While summer in Magnuvia does not compare to my homeland, it is nice to feel warmth on my skin again and to watch the sun set behind the rolling hills. If I squint, I can pretend that the sun is setting behind the ocean instead. I dream more often than not that I am back in Tetoa these days, wading through the surf and enjoying the salty water on my limbs.

While I may miss Tetoa more than normal during this season, life in Esterpool is not all that bad. I continue loving Asteria quietly during these long summer days and work diligently as head maid.

In the meantime, I resume my letter writing to my mother, as much as it torments me so. The contents are kept brief, never oversharing any information that Asteria has trusted me with, but I know it is enough to satiate my mother for the time being until I can think of my next steps. However, I wonder often what those next steps will even be. I had thought I would have made a decision by now, but my heart is still torn. I cannot deny the happiness Asteria brings me, but I do not feel comfortable completely ending my mission either. Some days I am overjoyed by my new romance; other days, guilt wracks my entire being. In many ways, it feels like my life is hanging in a delicate balance, ready to swing either way at any moment. I only hope I can keep it stable for now.

One day, after several days of summer storms, Asteria suggests we venture into the garden. Even though the sun is beating down harshly this afternoon, made doubly warm by my thick maid uniform, I am not one to disappoint her. Besides, the summer flowers are now in bloom, and if we are to head toward her secret garden, a commonplace by now, it will be well shaded from the harsh summer sun. The grass is slightly damp as we walk, still dewy from the thunderstorms that rolled through the day before. I keep close to Asteria as we walk, keeping a mindful eye on the guards following us in the distance. As always, she moves swiftly, knowing how to deter them, and leads us to her secret garden once more.

Already, the heat becomes more bearable once we step into the shaded garden. I let out a sigh of relief and wipe the beads of sweat clinging to my forehead. I quickly find a seat near the fountain and splash some water in my face, admiring the coolness.

"It's hot today, isn't it?" Asteria remarks.

"It is," I say, continuing to splash some more water in my face. "I have to wonder why you even called me out here in this weather."

Asteria pouts. "It's been raining for days, and our schedules were both light today."

I smile. "I'm only teasing."

Asteria smiles as well. Rather than join me at the fountain, she lays down and spreads out her limbs. I am sure the cool blades of grass beneath her are soothing on her overheated body. She looks at me gleefully, giggling like a child, while I can only roll my eyes.

"You're going to get blades of grass in your hair, you know. And who will be responsible for picking them out?" I ask.

"I suppose that means we will only have more time to spend together," she says. "Won't you come join me?"

Not being able to resist, I rise from my seat at the fountain and lay down on my back in the grass beside her. We do not touch each other. Rather, we lie side-by-side, watching puffy white clouds stroll across the sky. For a few moments, I am at utter peace; my thoughts of the mission, my role in Esterpool, and my feelings for Asteria all run blank in my mind. As boring as Asteria has described her life in Esterpool, it is moments like these where I cannot deny how peaceful it is here.

Lost in my tranquility, I neglect to feel Asteria finagling with my hair. She pulls the clip out keeping it in place, allowing my long, wavy dark locks to spiral down.

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