Chapter Eleven (11)

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Chapter Eleven:

I woke the next morning with the overwhelming urge to throw up everything possible in stomach and a head-splitting headache. As I got up to rush to the bathroom I felt a strong arm around me that I didn't notice before. All the contents that were rushing upstream were quickly pushed down and replaced in fear.

It's a rapist was my first logical though. Carefully inching toward the edge of the bed, I draped my arm under the bed and grabbed my hard-cover novel I had to read for English. Without a second thought or even glancing at the face of the person, I rose my arms up and slammed the book on the man's face. "Ugh!" he yelled, getting up from his sleep and covering his face.

I quickly pushed him off the bed and he fell with an 'Oof', I got up and ran to Olivia's closet to grab her softball bat. I held it in a swinging position and walked cautiously to the rapist to give him a chance to explain himself. 

"Who are you, and what are you doing?" I asked, my words trembling a bit.

"Well, apparently I'm getting beat up!" he said, taking his hand off his face to glare at me. My fear quickly turned into anger and I gave Keith a death stare. 

"Why the hell are you in my bed?!" I screamed.

"First of all, you begged me to sleep with you, and I'm not talking about nap-time either. But then, after I declined you, you had the wise idea to ask me to get in bed with you. This is your fault." he said as if he made everything so clear.

"Look, all I know is you need to the fuck out my room. NOW!" I pointed at the door and raised the bat threateningly. 

"I don't think I want to. I was going to let you out home-free but since you physically and verbally attacked me I'm going to make you pay the price for yesterday. Did you know you kissed me last night? I think Daniel should know this," his lips went into an evil smirk.

My eyes went wide. Daniel was the second guy I actually cared about in any of my relationship, unfortunately after Keith. I didn't want to fuck it up and lose him, I really liked him! Obviously Keith saw my expression because his smirk got bigger. I wanted to whack him with this bat so bad.

"How do I know you're not lying? Plus, even if it was true, you don't have proof," I said confidently.

"Oh, really?" he smiled, getting up off the floor and walking over to me. He took his phone out his pocket , tapped something on the screen and walked up to me. He was dangerously close, but I believed he was going to scare me with the pictures. Without warning he pressed his lips against mine and I was frozen in surprise.

Like an instinct, my eyes automatically closed and a light went off with a Click following it. My eyes opened again, I regained my senses and I immediatly pushed him away. "What the hell was that?" I hollered, punching his chest.

He showed me his phone, it was picture of us . . . kissing. From the outside it looked like I was the one that attacked him. My eyes were closed in a manner that made me look that I was enjoying the kiss. Keith's eyes were bulged wide as he looked at me in surprise. My face turned red and my blood boiled.

"I won't show him on one condition," he said, putting the phone in his back pocket.

"And that is?"

"You have to agree to go on a date with me."

I opened my mouth to protest but he held his hand up, "I'll let you think over it. Remember, your relationship with Daniel's on the line." he began to walk out.

"So is your relationship with Olivia," I fired.

"The difference between you and I? I don't care if Olivia finds out." And with that he shut the door and left.

* * * * * *

"Keep your eye on the ball and when the ball comes to you, kick," Daniel instructed me. He had promised to teach me how to play soccer, which is why we were outside on this cold Sunday afternoon playing soccer.

He gently kicked the ball to me and I, being the idiot I am, kicked the ball with so much force it went flying in the air. The next thing I heard was "Oh holy shit!" I quickly averted my eyes to Daniel and he was on the floor holding his private area and the soccer ball was inches away from him.

I ran to him, panicked and asked him if he was okay, which was a really stupid question. When he didn't answer I told him I'd get help and sprinted toward the building. 

"Alex! I'm alright!" I heard him whisper since I was only a few feet away.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I doubt I can have kids but other than that."

My hand covered my mouth and I looked at him in shock, "Are you serious?" 

"Joking..." he said, struggling to get up. After watching him in shock for five seconds I finally helped him to stand and he smiled genuinely at me, "Thanks, I'm lucky to be dating you. Even if it does mean endless injuries."

Right after that, I thought about what happened with Keith this morning and I bit my lip nervously. Yeah, I'm a greeeaaatt girlfriend, I thought sarcastically.

You guys must watch the side video. It made me laugh. Me and my friend were singing it in science class today because we're THAT awesome. 15 votes for next chapter. So, I must ask... how many of you actually like Keith and what do you think about his blackmailing? I apologize for any grammar mistakes.

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