Chapter Twenty-Two (22)

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

It was warm today, unusually warm for the first day of February, especially since the sun was setting, but I wasn't taking my chances and had a light coat in my shoulder bag. I found a nice secluded area near Sam's house. It was hidden in the middle of the woods but there was an easy to follow trail, just enough for two people to walk on. Trees surrounded the sides and there was a lake there also, of course considering it was winter it had a thick layer of ice on the top.

I was so relaxed, laying down and gazing at the sky, the sound of the my phone ringing startled me and I began thrashing my arms wildly trying to get up. I felt a stinging pain in my leg and looked at it to see several red, thin lines on my leg. I looked up at a stray branch that was just poking out the tree. I must've brushed against it in my hurry to get up.

Sighing, I tapped the talk button on my phone and held it up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, standing up and brushing my pants off.

"Alex, where the fuck are you? It's almost time to go." 

I forgot about that. Gina and I were scheduled to go clubbing to meet people and have a good time. In my state of foggy mind I quickly disposed of the plan and focused on nothing. I couldn't go now though, usually when you go clubbing you wear something sexy to be noticed. In my opinion, a large plain shirt and baggy sweatpants were not sexy.

"Go without me Gina. I forgot and I'm not really prepared."

"No, I'll wait an hour. See you in sixty minutes, and if you're not ready in sixty minutes I'll drag you there. I won't care what your wearing, you could naked for all I care."

"Bitch," I spat.

"I love you too, bye!" she said hanging up the phone. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked toward the exit. As I said, the forest was near Sam's house, a few yards behind it to be exact so I easily went in the house and up the stairs. I had no problem looking for clothes so I picked out a black shirt that was a very low neckline. It was enough to cover up my chest but left enough to leave people staring with short jeans.

If I was going dancing most likely I'd be hot so I might as well wear something I could breathe in. Now for my hair, my unruly, disobedient hair. Ready for a fight, I grabbed my straightener, comb, and brush and marched to the bathroom. It was so weird looking at my hair without black highlights since Catherine washed it away for my date with Keith.

Of course she didn't know who my date was with but she was determined to make me look good. Leaving my straightener to heat up I began to work on my makeup, and by makeup I meant eyeliner. I began to load my eyes under thick layers of eyeliner until I got just the look I desired. I just straightened my hair and pulled it in a ponytail. 

Now that those dreadful hours of my life was over, I called Gina and told her I'd be at the school in a few minutes. Grabbing my jean jacket, I yelled to Sam and Meghan I was leaving and walked out the door. I kinda regretted moving to their house, it wasn't that they were terrible people it was that ever since I moved here I've been spending more time at the campus.

I mean I couldn't look like a unstable teenager that moves back and forth to random places when I get bored. When I arrived at the school Gina was already waiting on the sidewalk. Her hair was curled and cascaded on her left shoulder. She was wearing thin, but able to be seen eyeliner that brought out her brown eyes. She sported a white shirt that stopped right right at the start of her hip, it had a belt around the waist and it was slit in the middle with three lines connecting at her chest. Her skirt was so short the shirt almost covered it, and just me when I say the shirt wasn't long at all.

Her innocent persona was shunned just by her appearance that night. "Gina, you're going to the club not a street corner." I told her when I reached her.

"I know, but I'm getting a lot of attention from the guys. I got three numbers since I stood out here, and I've been out for five minutes," she smiled.

"You want guys to like you for you, not for your twins." I referred to my boobs. She rolled her eyes and clicked the keys of her Lexus LS, her parents must be rich to get her that. I knew it was expensive, it was my dream I had asked my parents for it but they denied me for my behavior. I was pretty angry, as soon as I got in the car Gina placed a CD in the slot and "Get Crazy" from LMFAO radiated through the speakers.

I gave her a look that asked her what her problem was. "All my life I've been this goody two shoes but tonight I'm going all out, I'm going to paint the town red." She was beginning to creep me out.

"Gina, just stay close to me. I'm not playing with you either," I warned her as she drove off, adjusting her mirror. The sky was getting dark, the sun was almost fading in the distance. The line leading to the teen club was not that long since people usually came at dead night so getting in was no problem.

We walked into a thumping bass and blinking multicolor lights. People looked like they were about to have sex on the dance floor. Others were going up the stairs, in this specific club upstairs was filled with vacant bedrooms in case you wanna get freaky on the night. I knew because Catherine told me, apparently, she'd been up there before. I was about to turn to Gina to warn her of the place but she wasn't next to me.

"Gina?" I asked, looking around for her. A boy came up to be and started grinding on me from behind. His breath smelled of alcohol.

"You alone gorgeous?" I turned around and back away. He looked drunk, his looked a hot mess. 

"Look, you need to back the fuck off me."

"You know you want this," he said stepping up to me and grinding against me again. I pushed him off me again and warned him again to stay away from me. He took this as another act of hard to get and advanced on me again. This time though when he enclosed on me I brought up my knee and connected it with his groin. He bent over holding his manhood and groaning. 

Bending down to his level I struck out my fist and punched him in the gut, he fell coughing and moaning in pain. "I warned to back the fuck away from me." I began to look for Gina again when another guy, this one looking more sober and physically strong then the other, came up to me.

"I saw what you did to my boy. You think you're tough? That you can go without being disciplined?" he grabbed and fistful of my hair and yanked it. I screamed in pain and he held a hand over my mouth, I'm surprised no one noticed me considering inside was pretty full. To make sure I wouldn't do the same thing I had done to his friend he kicked both my shins forcefully. 

I bit on his hands and he ripped his hand out my mouth, slapped me across the face, and punched me in the stomach. Now seeing I couldn't fend for myself anymore he began to drag me upstairs. "I think a little doll like you needs to be taught a lesson."

15 votes, so I began laughing when I heard my brother 2day. He was fighting with my other brother over the computer chair and my mom said, "Lance, get off the chair!" and he said (note: he's two), "NO! I'm precious!" I was dying.... ahh, and vote, comment, and FAN! 

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