Chapter Fifteen (15)

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Chapter Fifteen:

"Hey babe, how about you come over and keep me company?" some boy asked me giving me a lusty look. Gina had insisted of taking me out of school to get my mind free so we were walking around the mall, window shopping. I would actually go over there and get to know him but Daniel instantly came to my mind and I shook my head.

"Well, why not? What's wrong with me?" he asked, walking up to Gina and I and pointing at himself. He was a sweet caramel color, with beaming green eyes and he was perfectly fit. The type of guy I'd go after. 

I swung my arm around placed my head on her level, we were the same height. "Nothing, it's just that I'm gay." I said noticing that he wouldn't leave anytime soon unless I accepted him. I nudged Gina softly and made it barely noticeable for him to see. She instantly played along.

"Yeah bub. Leave and don't mess with my girl again," she growled, getting defensive and pulling me back.

"I don't believe you. You two are way too hot to be dykes," he said, staring at both of us suspiciously. I pretended to be offended and put my finger in his face.

"Don't call me a dyke, it's very offending to me. I prefer the proper term," I said, squinting my eyes and poking my neck out at him. I'm guessing I looked pretty intimating because he stepped back and put his hands up in surrender. 

"I'm not stopping you, go ahead with your life," the boy said turning around to walk away. When he was too far away to hear us Gina and I collapsed in laughter.

"I can't believe you did that Alex!" she said through her fit of laughter.

"I regret turning him down. He was smoking hot! Oh well, let's go 'babe'" I said, linking my arm with hers and walking into Hollister. 

Gina turned me around to face her and put her hands on my shoulder reassuringly. "I will admit that no matter how much I love Olive, what she did to you was unethical and what Daniel did was a bitch ass move but you can't sit there with an expression like you're going to kill anyone who looks at you. I'm buying you something here, you're getting a new guy," she babbled. She said something else after that but I zoned her out. 

I didn't even know she left until she came back with short shorts and a hollister hoodie. "You're sick. It's freezing out!" I said, pushing her arm away. 

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