Chapter Thirty-One (31)

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Chapter Thirty-One:

Capture the flag on a bright Saturday afternoon in the snow covered park. That was how I, as well as a lot others were spending our day. Well, except of tagging the people we threw snowballs at them (and here we were claiming to be juniors in high schools). 

"I pick Olivia!" Catherine shouted out and extended her hand to the thankful looking redhead. She and Emma were team captains, Emma and I had become pretty good friends thanks to the daily meetings for the dance and because of that I invited her to be there.

"Alex!" Emma called out, I smiled and ran over to stand behind her.

"I pick Liam."



"Johnathan." Johnathan was another person from the dance committee.

Catherine walked over to a middle ground and put cones on the floor, separating the two grounds. "Rules! Once you're over to the enemy's turf and they hit you with a snowball you have to go into their jail. Only way you can get out is if someone from your team tag you. Any questions?" she said. No one spoke up so Emma stepped over to the empty side of the park and waited for her team to join her.

I stood next to the hula hoop to stay as defense in case someone tried to get our green flag. Immediately I balled up a handful of snow on the ground, I took two just in case. "GO!" I heard Catherine yell. Liam, who I really wasn't expecting to play, came bolting for our flag. Before he could get close to me I hurled the snow toward his chest. I patted myself for my precise aim and prepared another snowball.

Liam mumbled something under his breath before walking slowly over our jail. I felt something cool hit the back of my head. I turned around to protest and yell at someone but no one was there. I turned to Liam accusingly and he put his hands up as if to say, "It wasn't me." He was trying to hold in his laugh. 

"Psst." I heard from behind a snowy bush. I turned around again to see the top half of Keith's head poke out. When the hell did he get there? He waved his hand over to signal me to come over. I rolled my eyes and turned around again. Instantly I felt another snowball hit my head. 

"I'm coming! Geesh!" I whisper/shouted to the impatient boy behind the bush. I looked to out to the field again, Liam was walking back our team stole the flag and we were setting up again. I spotted Johnathan standing there like he would do anything to get out of here. 

"John," I whispered loudly. He turned to look at me and I smiled and waved him over. He backed away slowly, I was surprised no one saw him since we weren't that big and he was pretty obvious. 

"What do you need?" he asked when he reached me.

"Can you hold my position please? I need to check out something."


I thanked him and ran behind the bush, where I was instantly pulled to a crouching position. I glared at Keith, who was grinning in front of me. "What the hell is this? You're making me abandon my position so you can smile at me like a creeper--" my words were interrupted when Keith's lips jammed into mine. Suddenly, I wasn't cold anymore. He pulled away just as quick.

Player vs. Player (in current edit)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora