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Adhira's POV

" I don't think I can go maa. I have work and I really don't have any more leaves left. " I tried to tell her that it wasn't that I didn't want to go but it was just my work that wouldn't allow me to go.

" Siya, check your mail first beta. " Maa replied to me with a sigh, I don't like this tone or her words.
" What do you mean? " I opened my phone and there it was, a transfer order, from Delhi to Jaipur. I teach quantum in one of the universities here and the mail on my phone was nothing more than an order to teach in Jaipur now.

" Maa, how could you? You didn't even ask me. " She shouldn't have done that, I don't want to go there and this transfer indicated that this visit wasn't going to be a short one, we'll be there for long, longer than I would like.
" Siya... "
" Why were you even asking if you had already decided. " I said the words to her and left the room without waiting for her reply. There was no sense in asking her anymore, they made sure that we'll go, even if just to get transferred back, I need to go.
I'm just worried that if I'll be able to.


It's been two days since dad announced his decision to go back, and we'll we are leaving today. Bhaiya is in a shitty mood, he's not talking to maa or papa and well you can't blame him. I just heard how harsh they had gotten but bhaiya, he saw it, he saw them throwing papa out of their house. I don't want to go there but it was papa who they wronged and if he wants to forgive them then there's nothing much we could do.
Heemani bhabhi has been worried about him all day, stealing glances at him as if worried he'll burst out.

It was the first time there was such an atmosphere in the house, all because of them.
" Siya you'll come with me and your bhabhi. " Bhaiya said to me and I nodded, maa and papa looked at each other and just talked through their eyes, I used to admire them for this but now I'm getting irritated, you have to tell us what's going on.
But no, they don't want to. So just like that we got on a journey to the place whose bare mention caused this tension in my family.

It took us 5 hours to reach and nostalgia hit me hard when I saw the place which was once our home. It was just as we had left it, no one would think that it had been empty for 10 years. " Bade Rana sa had arranged someone to look after our home. " And well just like that, it's gone, my nostalgia in its place was just irritation, at bade rana sa for still interfering, at papa for still treating him so well. What he did was not right but papa never complained, he just took everything he sent his way. I sometimes think that bade rana sa takes advantage of my papa's gratitude towards him but that's not entirely true. He used to be good to us, he was like family before everything happened.

" Your rooms are the same ones as before. " I couldn't be more grateful, and well my anger reduced a bit because I didn't want maa to work to clean this place after this journey. I took my bags and went to mine without saying anything.
I was the only one who had a room on the ground floor, others were the guest rooms and maa, papa and bhai lived upstairs.
My room was connected to a small garden through the back and while I was excited to see it, there was worry to, what if it wasn't the same as before.

I dumped my bag on the bed and opened the back door, a squeal left my mouth at the sight, the roses in full bloom, my orchids flowing delicately, the lilies taking up an entire side making it white. It didn't look like it was unattended for 10 years, my garden looked like someone had grown it with care but who would. I doubt a caretaker would give a fuck about these flowers. But whoever did it, I owed the person a favor.

" Siya, how could you do this? " This is what I heard when I picked up my phone that had been ringing for 10 minutes straight. It was Diksha, my colleague and she didn't seem to get the hint that I don't want to talk if I'm not picking up. She doesn't have the concept of knowing her limits, I mean it's good to keep pushing them but not when they push someone else's too.
" What happened? "
" You transferred and that too to Jaipur. And you didn't even tell me. "
" I didn't know it myself too. "
" Huh? What do you mean? "
" My parents applied for it. "
" Heh?.. " And she started her blabber about how could they be so interfering and all, she's good but she doesn't know when to stop.
" Bye then. " I said when all her rants ended.
" Bye.. I'll miss you. "
" Uh hm. "

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