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Hey chèries❤

It's rant time.

So let me just start about how I've been a bad author by promising something I haven't really fulfilled. When I uploaded the introductions for BLAZE, I had said that my first focus will still be OEH. And I can't say I've actually kept it.

I received the email form the Creators team on 26th October. I was excited, so excited that I was afraid I was dreaming. My studies kept me busy and I could only access the email on the weekend. I won't lie, I was paranoid that it was prank. But then I replied.. And we talked. Due to my hesitation I signed on 1st November, rather than 31st October. Thus by default the program starting in December.

At that point of time I had been writing quite frequently and with my progress I had thought OEH might be completed until then. So we had to change the book for the contract to BLAZE.

And then my exams came, after that the new semester, different subjects, and the impending doom of the future I had no idea of.
In all this OEH got on hold. Updating BLAZE was more like an obligation and even then I missed a week when I couldn't update because I had no time. I know it's my fault for not have a clear schedule but I'm trying to write as much as I used to.

When I wrote FLAMES, I remember getting excited in college to return early so I could write the update, I wrote almost daily. Sometimes even more than a chapter when I was overly excited and yeah writing felt good. It was so fulfilling (It still is but sometimes you know you're just not in the space). The first thing I used to do after returning was to check my notifications and see the miniscule amount of votes or comments.

And yep they were miniscule, like really I could count them on my fingers when I started. I didn't have my first vote for days.
Somewhere in July I opened an Instagram account, only because I've seen some of the other wattpad authors doing the same. I thought it helped with the reads, it does. But I had zero idea how to start.
I could be considered dumb when it comes to social media, I know nothing other than their basic uses. I made a reel and then left it for days. I clearly had no idea how Instagram worked so yeah.

For days it didn't work, I found some fellow authors followed them but didn't really have the guts to start a conversation. My super awkward self was too awkward to start a conversation with someone unknown and practically asking them for a favor. But eventually I did.

And the first author who followed me back was @authorsunali, it made me happy. And I texted her. We talked and I had the very first chat to someone from the bookstagram. [ I've met many other awesome people after that, and I'm not even lying, I don't talk much because of obvious reasons but the least I've talked has led me to some wonderful people. ]

She promoted me and then my reel crossed a 1000 views and I was jumping from happiness because I thought people watched it. Still the readers on wattpad remained low.
Around September one reel, finally after many failed attempts, went viral, not like millions of views or anything but it crossed 100k views and then the readers surged. The notifications finally showed 99+
I had seen other authors posting stories of such notifications and I was so so so eager to have one of my own and I did. FLAMES finally reached more people and it was such good time.

My excitement got me another idea, and from there came OEH. But then FLAMES ended, the only readers of OEH were my those who had come from FLAMES and not all of them did. I won't even say all my followers read it and I get it, there a so many books out there that you can't just read a single person's.

But still when a book I've spent hours working doesn't gets the recognition it deserves, it hurts. I've seen the comments how the book is good and I want more people to read it.

The only two ways I know for that are either posting on someone's message board or Ig. And from my experience Ig rarely works for me, no matter how much I try.

And I won't lie, seeing people who started much later than me having more readers kind of sucks. And I'll admit I've been jealous but that's it. They do their own work, I do mine. I've known some damn good friendships on bookstagram though I may not be a part of it ( bcz, I'm well... me) but they are good. It makes you feel giddy just to see them.

Most of the time I feel like Ig doesn't like me much either because it's so rare my reels are engaged. Hell the reel I posted two days ago hasn't even crossed a 1000 views even when I have more than 900 followers.

So between my studies, editing reels which I really suck at, and trying to write, I've failed to fulfill my promises. And I really hope you guys will forgive me for that.

I'm not making any more promises right now because even I'm not sure if I can fulfill them. I have a busy year ahead, like real busy. And I'm not sure how much time I'll get to write.

I had written a bonus chapter for FLAMES months ago, it had Abhimanyu's POV throughout the pregnancy but when I asked what you guys wanted, all of you wanted the same thing, their happy moments. So I don't want to give you any more tears, therefore that chapter remained in my drafts. And after that I haven't been able to write one. But I will, sometime in this year I surely will.

And OEH won't be on hold, the updates might be slower than a tortoise but I'll try not to hang you guys in the middle.

Spoiler alert: I was planning for a sad ending but I took pity on you guys😉
See how much I love you☺

As for BLAZE, it'll be updated once a week, mostly on weekends, earlier if I manage to get in the space for writing but yeah. Not every chapter can be good so please bear with me.

I know I've spouted a lot of bullsh't but if you read till now. Then Thank you❤

And so sorry if I made you crazy with all this nonsense. Feel free to throw it out of your mind.

I just wanted to get it off my chest which I guess I've done now.

So thank you for reading and staying and supporting me. ❤❤

Have a good night❤

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