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Adhira's POV

I was happy, after a long time I was genuinely happy. We talked for hours today, well it was just me who spoke all the time and he listened but it was how it always used to be.

He always said he had nothing to say and it was only me who used to utter nonstop.
Not everything was good but for now it's enough for me to be happy and I want to be happy.

I know dadu might've asked him to come to me, but there's no one who could make Shiv do anything he doesn't want to, not even dadu. He always cared for people's opinion but for him, his opinion mattered the most for his own decisions, so for someone to manipulate him into doing anything, they would only be successful if he wants to do that too.

I was surprised when he told me his number, I had thought he changed it but from the looks of it, he still uses the same one.
I looked at my phone to see the contact I had saved years ago and even after I received the automated messages, that the number doesn't exist, it still remained there. In my phone as well as in my mind.


I could recite his number in a second. I used to be able to recite many more but over time and with more use of phone I started to forget them, but his, his was the one I could never forget.

My happiness must've been visible on my face cuz everyone at the dining table noticed it but thankfully no one asked me anything as I had no answer for them.

It must've been around midnight when maa knocked on my door.
Even though I had agreed to go to the palace tomorrow, I wasn't prepared for the visit now.

Papa had already left the minute he received the call and maa only stayed to tell us.
Eesh bhai too understood the gravity of the situation and said nothing more than, " I'll get the car. "

Bhabhi stayed at the house and we left in a few minutes. I had barely gotten time to change my clothes when we rushed out.

The palace was solemn as if it had already happened but I knew there was still time and as I rushed to his room, I saw him still holding on. Barely but he was doing it. I knew he was waiting for us.

I saw him getting relieved just as we entered, Shiv was sitting by his side holding his right hand, while Radhu was crying holding onto Sharvil. Rish was standing at the side with his fist clenched and his eyes red.

" You're here. " He said, and I had no idea if he was talking to bhaiya or me but I ran to him.
I hated him for a while, I admit I did, he didn't trust me enough, he didn't love me enough to know that I would never harm dadi but I could see where he came from. In the end I loved him more than I could ever hate him.

I know he regrets it, I resent him for doing that to us but the fact still stands that he raised me, raised bhaiya, he and dadi played with us more than maa papa ever could. Papa was always busy with the security and maa too had her work to do, so our whole days were spent with him and dadi.

I might never accept his decision for doing that and there will always be some resentment in my heart for snatching these ten years from me but I forgive him. He needs this, he deserves this.

" What happened? " My voice choked, we had just visited him yesterday, he was fine then, nothing explained his condition now.
" Your dadi was missing me. She called me to her. I can't refuse. "
I don't know if he was hallucinating or he really saw her but whatever it was I knew he had given up. He genuinely believed she was calling him to her.

" Promise me something. " He said as he took my hand in his, I couldn't say anything so I just nodded.
" Hm. "
" You'll take care of him. Okay? " He didn't have to say who he was talking about.
"  I will. "

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