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"Can we fall, one more time? Stop the tape and rewind. Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade. 'Cause there is nobody else. It's gotta be you."



"Notes. Pens. Nose stuck in books. Typical Watty."

And the devil is back again.

Why wasn't I surprised to find him here? Oh yeah, because he became part of my daily routine. There was never a single day that he wasn't here to annoy the hell out of me. I was used to it by now. I'd grown tired of trying to fight him off. I'd accepted his presence in my life and no longer felt the need to resist.

"Arrogant. Irritating. Infuriating git. Typical Tommo." My words trailed off as I scribbled without looking up at him.

Seriously, I didn't have time for this. Could he try at a different time? But who was I kidding? This is Thompson for goodness' sake. Asking him to leave was like asking a fly not to buzz around a picnic; it was just impossible to happen!

Besides, this guy has a serious thing for mockeries and fights. He's like a walking, talking, feud-seeking missile! I'm sure he's already mentally prepping his witty comeback.

True enough, he pulled out a chair in front of me and sat down. My willpower kept me from looking up.

"Nice. It's good to see you learning, Watkins. The art of mockery is finally beginning to dawn on you. It's impressive."

I continued to remain silent, hoping this monster would go away so I could get on with my homework. But who was I kidding?

"So tell me, which one of these books taught you how to be such a badass?"

"Actually, I don't need books for reference. Just looking at you makes the words fall out naturally." I answered nonchalantly.

I gave myself a virtual pat on the back for slaying this git.

But of course, we're talking about Thompson here. Instead of shutting his loud mouth, he broke out into a loud and hearty laughter instead.

"I have no idea I'm more useful than your books. To think they're the most cherished things in your life? My, my, Watty. I didn't know you found me more inspiring than those books. Oh, someone's got a crush." He teased in a sing-song voice. "And with that, my heart fluttered - a goofy smile spread across my face - as I realized I was the most important thing in Watty's life." He finished in an annoying tone as if he was reciting a part from a romance novel or something.

This guy really knows how to turn an insult into flattery. Goodness Thompson. What type of cells makes up your brain?

I couldn't take it any longer. I had reached my limit. Instead of ignoring him, I dropped my pen and looked at him. And of course, he was smirking like an idiot like he had won an award or something.

"First of all, comparing is not necessary. You're nothing compared to my books! You're more like a waste of time."

As opposed to shutting up, he boasted, "I'm more like a library - a vast collection of knowledge!"

The thought made me roll my eyes but I forced myself to continue. "Second, you don't inspire me at all. In fact, you infuriate me. You annoy the hell out of me. You---"

"I bring out the best in you." He finished with a triumphant grin.

"No! You bring out the worst in me." I groaned in frustration.

"Na. More like I set fire to your boring life." He challenged.

"Yeah right! You set fire to my nerves!" I bit out with rage.

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