A Little Step Before A Gaint Leap

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Lando finally saw the wagon he was supposed to ride on to get to the place where they train you, he has been looking all day for this wagon asking everyone where this address was he found that people here don't really know where anything is he got sent to the wrong location multiple times.

Lando walked up to the wagon driver asking " Is this where you will take people to the 104 Cadet Corps?"

"Yes, it is kid." The driver said " Jeez you're pale have you ever been outside before"

"Nope," Lando replied, "Don't know how you guys put up with that big ball of light in the sky hurts the eyes."

The driver just stared at him with a confused look.

"I'll just get on." Lando says

Lando walked over to the back of the wagon to already see some people in there, he climbs on in and grabs a journal he bought when someone tried to point him in the direction of the address he showed to him. It was a shop with a lot of random junk in there but Lando found a journal while he was there, Kenny had let him have some money too.

Lando started drawing in his journal he had always loved to and did so in his free time the journey also had a pocket as soon as you open it so Lando put in there a red piece of paper folded as much as paper can be folded, as well as two pictures one of Ophelia and Lando and another of his father that he received so long ago.

Lando drew the wagon and everyone inside of it he hoped people wouldn't think he was weird if he looked at them for a bit before drawing but nobody said anything about it or didn't notice. When Lando finished his drawing he looked out the back of the wagon which had a hood over it, he saw the country, the fields, and the way the sun makes them look pretty. Maybe this sun wasn't so bad.

Lando was lost in thought but all of a sudden the wagon stopped and people started getting up and getting off the wagon "Must be here" Lando thought.

Lando got off and followed the other people into a building inside. They were handing out uniforms based on what your height and weight when you signed up is what Lando guessed. Lando stood in line waiting for it. Eventually his turn arrived. He got his uniform and walked over to the male cabin. The kind lady at the desk pointed to where it was.

Lando walked in and saw that there were a couple of people in there already. Lando saw beds all over a lot of them. How many people are going to be here? I don't handle people well. I've only been around 3 people in my lifetime for more than 4 hours. Mom, Auntie Joyce, Kenny."

Lando didn't see any names on any bunks so he picked one in the corner, threw this stuff on it and started changing into his new uniform. After he was done Lando looked around and now there were a lot of people here not good, but Lando needed to know something. He put his fingers underneath the bed and moved it around. He looked at his finger and there was dust. "Unacceptable, this will not do," Lando muttered, he turned around to find a boy with a balding head "Unlucky genetics." Lando thought he had a face that looked at him weirdly before turning into a smile.

"Is this bunk above you open?" the bald boy asked.

"Uh.. yeah i think so? Maybe?" Lando said cursing himself for not being able to communicate properly

"Ok sweet!" The boy said climbing up there

Lando noticed that the boy already had his outfit on. The bald boy must have noticed him staring at him.

"What is your name? I'm Conny" Conny said

"Uh, Lando," Lando replied.

Lando then heard a terrible noise. A shouting man came in yelling at them to get out there and line up, the man was also bald "What is up with all the bald people around here?" Lando thought.

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