The Trek To Maria.

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The next day preparations were made until sunset from lifting supplies up the wall to Erwin making some last-minute meetings with all the command staff, Lando was finishing tying up extra gas canisters when Jean came over to him.

"Commander Erwin is on his way up," Jean said. "Asked for us."

"Just me and you?" Lando asked.

"All of Levi Squad," Jean said.

"Got it," Lando said.

"How do you feel about retaking Wall Maria?" Jean asked.

"I don't really think anything," Lando said. "But a lot of us are going to die. You can't retake a whole city without casualties."

"Just hope it isn't any of us," Jean said as they arrived at where Erwin was.

Lando looked down from the top of the wall, it seemed the whole city was here.

"Hey!" A voice rang out that sounded Familiar. "Good luck!"

"Oh, it's that one merchant's son, Flegel." Lando thought.

"Take back Wall Maria for us!"

"The future of humanity is in your hands!"

"Captain Levi! Thanks for saving our city!"

"You all come back in one piece, all right!?"

"But go and reclaim our territory."

"Woah," Jean said. "This is the first time in my lifetime that the Scouts got a send-off like this."

"Yeah, there are a lot of people here," Lando said. "Can't they go home or something?"

"Why do you want them to leave so badly?" Jean asked. "Enjoy it."

"Where is the rest of Levi Squad?" Lando asked.

"Probably over there," Jean said looking past all the Scouts lined up. "Let's go!"

Jean and Lando made their way through the crowd of Scouts until they found their Squad.

"There you guys are," Armin said.

"Well, this guy loves to be far away from everyone," Jean said. "He was helping with the farthest one."

Conny and Sasha were yelling back at the Citizens of Trost.

"Yeah! You can count on us!" Sasha yelled.

"You know we will!" Conny yelled.

"This is new," Eren said. "The Scouts getting cheers."

"The Scouts were hated this much?" Lando asked.

"Yeah," Eren said. "Didn't you see every time they came ba-"

Mikasa elbowed Eren

"Anyway," Armin said. "Do you really think we can do this?"

"I don't know," Lando said.

Armin was about to say something when Erwin raised his arm up in the air screaming the citizens did the same.

"The final operations to retake Wall Maria...will now commence!" Erwin screamed out.

The Scouts all climbed onto the lifts with their horses and after they got down they all got into formation.

Erwin climbed onto his horse while every Scout was behind him.

"Advance!" Erwin screamed out.

All of the Scouts rode out.


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