The Climber.

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Lando was in an ice cave he was walking around searching for a way out. Lando was walking around when he found something that made him stop. Inside the ice there was a family but not any family Lando recognized these faces; they were an MP's family that Kenny had made him kill.

The family's eyes turned to look at him while they were on ice, then the ice broke and they were walking towards Lando.

"Monster! Monster! Monster!" The family chanted.

Lando tried to speak but words wouldn't come out, then the ice started to melt as the family withered away. Lando was panicking trying to survive while the cave came down but he was too late as an iceberg pierced him through the chest.

Lando opened his eyes to find himself once again in the cabin while everyone else was sleeping.

"These wildfires never stop." He muttered to himself.

Lando walked out onto the porch of the cabin as the snow fell, it had been snowing for a while now and the ground was littered with white. Lando went back inside, pulled out his journal and started to draw.

Eventually, everyone woke up to see Lando sitting on his bed drawing again, this was a regular site everyone knew he had terrible night terrors so he never really slept only about 3 hours a night.

It was time for breakfast so everyone went over to the mess hall, Lando had just gotten his food and was walking over to his usual seat. Nobody ever sat next to him, he was always left alone.

"Lando sit with us today!" Eren told him as he walked by.

Lando knew Eren by now he knew that there was going to be some question he wanted to ask.

Lando sat across from the three, He knew how to read Eren and Armin pretty well. Tell Eren that whatever he did was to kill Titans he would do it, Pressure Armin enough and he'll do anything, but Mikasa he didn't know how to read her all he knew was that if Eren was involved she would be there.

Lando started eating his breakfast waiting for what ever question one of them had.

"Lando, why do you never sleep?" Eren asked.

"My mind does not allow me to," Lando responded.

"What does that mean?" Eren questioned.

"It means he has nightmares," Armin told Eren

"What kind of nightmares do you have?" Eren asked.

"I prefer to not talk about them," Lando said.

Eren sighed before talking to Armin and Mikasa about something, Lando stayed mostly quiet. Before Mikasa asked out of the blue.

"Lando when we go through the mountain can you come with us?" Mikasa asked.

Lando was surprised. "Why me? aren't you enough, you are one of the best."

"Yeah, we don't need him," Eren told Mikasa. "Besides I'll be fine I don't even need you."

Mikasa looked at the ground looking depressed while Lando sighed.

"Fine, I'll tag along if you guys can get me a scarf to cover my face and a mask to hide my eyes from the cold," Lando told them.

Mikasa looked up at him and nodded

Lando laughed inside " What lengths will this girl go to for Eren?" he thought.

Mikasa left them alone Lando presumed it was to go get the items he requested, Eren asked Lando and Armin about stuff and they talked about nothing for a while. The bell rang causing all of them to go out into the cold, Lando hated the cold.

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