A Chat With A New Face

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Lando was eating with Auntie Joyce and his Mom having a great time, they were talking about trivial things. But then a scream was heard outside of the home, the door burst open and Ophelia was her stabbed neck leaking blood and Auntie Joyce with all her stab wounds leaking blood were staring at Lando.

"How...?" Lando muttered.

"Hows and whys are not important," Ophelia said. "What's important is that you didn't save us."

"I tried mom, I swear!" Lando yelled.

" You did nothing besides cowering behind me like a baby!" Ophelia shouted at Lando.

"Where were you when I needed you?!" Joyce yelled. "You're always too late when it matters most!"

Then the 5 men dressed in black that killed his family walked in and killed his family again gruesomely.

"Lando, why are you just standing there kill them!" A voice Lando recognized behind him yelled.

Lando turned around to see Kenny standing behind him.


Lando sprung into action slicing off all of their heads with his fathers dagger, but when he looked down at their severed heads he saw his Mothers and Auntie Joyce's face staring at him.

"Why...Lando?" They all said at the same time.

Lando jumped out of bed and hit the ground with a thud, he looked around to see himself in the cabin.

"Happy three year anniversary." Lando murmured.

Lando has been living here for three years and it has been nice for the most part, but he still had no clue how to interact with these people. He had tried but to no avail, but Eren and Armin let him eat with them so it's a start.

It was breakfast time and Lando was outside. He has been since he woke up when he saw everyone funnel out so he followed suit.

Lando sat next to Eren and Armin, Mikasa was also there but she was quiet. Lando appreciated she wasn't loud, that was the only thing she beat Yimir at, nobody needs 2 Yimirs running around that was annoying. Yimir had also been staring daggers at Lando every chance she got. Lando knew it was because he overheard her talking about some secret but the thing was she never said the secret why was she mad at me? He thought, maybe it was because she had admitted she had a secret. Yimir was a very prideful person. Lando knew he had to use her pride or Christa against her. "I guess I'm still stuck in the Underground huh," Lando thought here he was thinking about how to use her if the going gets rough and he needs someone to die for him.

"We are almost done with training and that means we get to choose where we are going!" Eren said. "Where are you guys going? I know Lando is already going to join the Survey Corps but what about you guys."

"They are going to join whatever Corps you join," Lando said, " Mikasa will freak out if she isn't in a 10 Ft. radius of you, and Armin is not confident enough to join a Corps that he wants to join himself."

"Oh come on! You guys can't just join where I join." Eren said.

"I made a promise to Mom to protect you, I will join whatever you join," Mikasa said.

"Exhibit A," Lando said out loud.

"How come you can always tell what others are thinking? Lando, it's creepy," Eren said.

"Sorry, I do it without realizing it," Lando said.

Breakfast had ended and Lando walked out to where the ever so elegant Sadies was yelling about combat fighting.

Lando walked over to where they were going to be training and some guy named Berthold came over to him asking to be his partner, Lando didn't know why Berthold asked him to be his partner but he did have some questions for Berthold.

They got into a fighting position Lando had the knife and Berthold was defending, Lando rushed at Berthold but he defended well Lando was striking at him with the knife figuring out his movement patterns when he found his opening. Lando went for a strike but Berthold defended his hitting the end of the knife into the air.

"I guess I wi-" Berthold said as Lando jumped up grabbed the knife and threw it right at his forehead, Berthold fell down holding his forehead in pain.

"The fight is never over until your enemy is dead or unable to continue," Lando said to Berthold.

Berthold had the knife now and was going after Lando but he was dodging them all. A strike to the head followed by a knee to the stomach was what Berthold tried to do but Lando moved his head and stopped Bertholds knees with his hands. When Berthold when to strike again Lando grabbed onto his arm and pulled himself up and wrapped his legs around Berthold's neck tackling him, he then used his foot to kick the knife out of Berthold's hand.

"I guess you win twice," Berthold said.

"I guess," Lando replied.

There was awkward silence between the two before Lando asked.

"Why do you always look so guilty for everything you do?" Lando asked.

Berthold went wide eyed but said "What do you mean?"

"We all have our own skeletons, but you always look like you're about to do something." Lando said.

"Sorry, I will try and fix it." Berthold said.

"I never said you were broken but alright." Lando said.

Lando walked over to a tree and sat down in the shade, took out his journal and started drawing everyone fighting when Eren came over.

"Why are you just laying here and not fighting?" Eren said.

"Eren, I can slit your throat and hide your body before anyone here notices you're gone including Mikasa." Lando said.

"Prove it!" Eren demanded

Lando got up and they got ready to fight, Eren charged at him but Lando side stepped him.

"Eren all i did was step to the side." Lando said.

Eren looked at him with anger before charging at Lando, As soon as Eren swung Lando grabbed his wrist causing him to not be able to stab Lando. He then picked him up by his throat slamming him on the ground, Eren dropped the knife and Lando picked it up and put it on Erens throat. As soon as he did that Reiner came flying but Lando dodged out of the way just in time.

Lando looked over at where Reiner came flying and noticed Mikasa staring at him with daggers in her eyes. They both looked at each other for about 15 seconds before Lando went back over to the tree and got back to his drawing no one else bugged him.

Lando went to dinner and sat across from the three, Mikasa was staring at him with hatred still. "How protective can one person be?" Lando thought.

"Hey, Lando, next time we fight I'll win. Annie is going to teach me how to kick your ass," Eren said.

"I saw Annie fight against you and I have an idea about how to beat her in a fight," Lando said.

"How?" Eren asked.

"Then I wouldn't be able to use it on you now would I?" Lando asked

"How good are you in a fight?" Armin asked Lando

"I'm good enough to where I can beat Eren without giving any effort, and I can probably beat Mikasa because she relies on her strength," Lando said.

"We'll have to find out," Mikasa said.

"No, we won't I won't fight you I don't feel like it," Lando said but he just didn't want to get punched by her it would hurt.

After dinner Lando went to the cabin and fell asleep, maybe he won't have a nightmare this time.

I know we have been with the cadets for a while now but next chapter they will all be going to Trost.

End of Chapter 16.

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