Overreaction yet again

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Mari's POV

The walk home was unusually silent, my mind was blank, maybe there just wasn't much to think about. It was just a kiss on the neck—no big deal— overreacting again-that's all. I ran straight to the bathroom once I got home, not even bothering to check if my parents were here. My black box braids dropped over my face, I had to push them behind my ears to see clearly. The view from the mirror was an expected sight, my eyes bloodshot,
lower lip swollen and my skin dripping with sweat. My eyes widened at the sight of my neck, the whole thing covered in hickeys. I'd thought he'd only left one or two, at most. But this, this was way beyond that. My lower lip quivered and I held back from biting it again. I got undressed and entered the bath. I'd wash it all away, the cold touch of his— his slimy kisses— all of it would disappear after today. The more I remembered, the harsher the scrubbing got. My anger, sadness, disappointment, disgust, I poured it all into scrubbing my body clean. Even if my skin ripped I wouldn't stop.  My emotions had to be let out somehow. I couldn't just cry. Could I?
That's weak. I'm weak. I stood there doing nothing. I practically let him touch me. Did I have a right to complain? What was crying gonna  do?

School went as normal as it usually did, or as normal as it could. Ria hadn't called me yesterday about how I randomly ran off or asked me anything. It was as if she didn't know.
"If you're gonna leave then tell me next time so I don't have to have Mr. Grumpy talk to me," Ria grumbled while pinching the straw in her juice.
"What?" She looked at me with a stoic
expression. "The party, Bill told me and Tom that you got a bad stomachache and went home. I get that you were feeling sick but couldn't you tell me yourself?" she asked and then gave me a smirk. "Or was it that bad?" "Oh. C'mon don't say stuff like
that," I giggled but did it sound too forced? She pointed to my neck, "By the way, what's up with all those
bandages?" "Mosquito bites." My reply came out a lot faster and sharper than I intended. Ria looked at me with a cold glance and then smiled. "Really? Aight then.." Bill was nowhere to be seen the whole day. I had planned to
avoid him after what happened at the party but it seemed like it wasn't needed.

Until I felt the air in the hallway shift in a way it only did when one person would walk through it, Bill. His eyes
were locked on one target, me, and
I could see from the corner of my
eye how Ria was watching me while sipping her juice. Before I could react Bill grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the busy hallway. I looked at Ria with pleading eyes but she only brought out her phone and walked off. She waved me a goodbye and said
good luck. Ria wasn't the type to just abandon me like that, especially
with Bill. Had she noticed that something was off with me? But I didn't have time to think about that as Bill pulled me into a dark corner with only us there. "What?" I managed to say without a stutter which honestly shocked me. "What happened yesterday?" His voice was cold enough to send me chills. "Please let go of my hand." Was all I could whisper. He let go but still kept his eyes on me. His eyes darkened as soon as he noticed my bandages. "Your neck." I gulped slowly and then rubbed my neck as I looked down. "Just some mosquito bites, that's all."
I was ready to go but before I could he grabbed one of the bandages on my neck and pulled it off. I could feel myself going dizzy and didn't want to stay long enough to hear what he had to say and ran of. It was embarrassing.
of all people, why'd he have to know?
And why like this..?


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