Unusual days are given

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Mari's POV

Today had been a stranger day than usual, throughout the whole day Ria looked like she was one edge and whenever a certain someone would walk past her she'd ease up for a moment. But then tense up right after. And that certain someone was Tom, he didn't seem to have noticed her strange behavior or he was just really good at hiding it. But I did notice how he'd steal quick glances at her and then go back to talking to his friends, something Ria definitely didn't notice.
Something happened between them. I was sure of it. I couldn't stop the smirk that crept up on my lips and Ria
frowned once she saw it. "What?" she asked with a sharp tone. "Ohhh, nothing.." I muttered as I glanced down with my smirk still on display. "It's just, you seem a bit out of it today. Did something.. special happen lately?" Ria's breath hitched and then looked away from me. "What makes you think that?" I blinked with a innocent gleam in my eyes as I looked at her. "No reason.." I smiled and then
dragged her to class. We sat in the groups that had to do with our essays. Tom was halfway done, Bill had already finished it—most likely so he'd have more time to do nothing
during our lessons, I was a third
way done and Ria had barely even started.

It didn't even take a second before
Tom let out a loud sigh and started getting distracted. "Thinking about going to a party, I don't know if I should go alone this time." "I'll go with you," I muttered. The way Bill and Ria
looked at me made it clear that they weren't really pleased. Bill was gonna say something but was cut off by Ria whose voice was shaky. "Why?" She leaned in closer and whispered into my ear. "Why would you?" I looked at her without saying anything and it was as if she could read what I was thinking. She sighed and then gave me a small smile. "Alright.. Just make sure you stick with me or Bill. Never wander alone." I nodded and gave her a soft smile, I wasn't gonna make a mistake like that ever again. Just because Jay was gone didn't mean there weren't several other Jay's out
there, I had to be careful. Bill still looked at me with furrowed brows but I ignored it. "Wait, what makes you think Bill would go?" I whispered.
Ria smirked and then poked my forehead. "Why do you think?" I felt my face heat up but pushed whatever stupid thoughts that would come out down. "How about you work on the essay instead," I scowled which made
Ria laugh.

We were at the party and this time I had actually been able to enjoy it. I wasn't drinking or dancing on the floor but the feeling was nice and I spent most of my time with Ria. Tom had tried to talk to Ria but whenever he did she'd evade it so eventually he
gave up. I mouthed a 'Sorry' once I saw him and he smiled at me and then mouthed back a 'It's okay'. I wanted to ask Ria about what was making her act like that towards him, she'd enjoyed being with him those other days and she didn't seem particularly angry at him right now, so what was making her act like that?
We went up to the balcony to get some fresh air and I felt as my whole body cooled down. I hadn't noticed just how hot my body felt. Someone else entered the balcony but I didn't care to look and see who it was, but Ria did. She stepped back and was ready to leave. "You're just gonna leave?"
She chuckled and gave me a smirk.
Before I could stop she was already out the door.

I turned to see who the person she had left me with was and felt my throat get dry once I saw who it was.
"Bill, why're you here?" He didn't reply and continued walking and soon stood next to me. The sky light made his skin glimmer with a blue hue and his electric eyes looked as cold as
ever. "Did you maybe.." I whispered.
"Come here for me?"


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