Looking at the ember sky

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Bill's POV

That guy couldn't keep his mouth shut could he? Just kept on talking and talking, someone had to shut him up! And the way she looked, those emerald green eyes of hers looked like they were gonna cry at any second. They were wide with fear and her skin was going pale, that was exactly how she used to look at me until recently. What even caused the change for her? Not like it really mattered. "Bill!" I looked up at the teacher that had been berating me for a hour now. He'd been pretty happy with me for how I hadn't been in as many fights anymore. Which wasn't really true, I just wasn't fighting in school as much anymore. Either way the guy kept on going about how he expected better from me and how I needed to be suitably punished which I didn't really care for. Oh shit. My Mom's gonna hear about this. I'd heard bits and pieces of what she told Mari when she came over to my house. The walls were always too thin for their own good. If she heard about me getting suspended for breaking some jackass' nose she'd probably go
crazy. Well there wasn't much to
be done now.

I got up from my seat since I didn't need to hear more of his rambling and left the school. The sky had already turned to a ember colour which meant that my Mom was probably home by now. I looked down only to see someone else staring at the sky. Her dark braids that reached her back flowing in the wind and her dark brown skin had a orange glow to it thanks to the sun that made her look more alive than ever. She turned around and looked at me with a gaze that made it seem like she was lost in thought and then bit her lower lip. It was a weird habit of hers that I couldn't look away from. She walked up to me with furrowed brows. "How'd it go?" she tried to look stern but I could see how she was clenching her backpacks strap from from being nervous. "Got suspended for a week, nothing big." Her eyes widened in shock and her grip got even firmer on the strap. "Nothing big?! How will your Mom feel about this? Oh.. this is all my fault." I was gonna say something back but noticed those damn bandages on her neck again and felt how my jaw tightened. Before I could reply Mari ran past me.

"If I explain the situation to the teacher then maybe she'll understand and give you a lighter punishment," she shouted, still holding the backpack strap but looser this time. Her eyes looked into mine with an determination I'd never seen her have before and soon after she ran into the school. This was so stupid. It really wasn't that big of a deal. That carefree nature of hers always ticked me off.
I turned to walk home but my legs couldn't move. I stood firmly in my spot, waiting for her, waiting for her to come back with that stupid smile of hers saying she did it. It wasn't really like I cared about that suspension but even so didn't want to move. The crybaby Mari who'd never been able to look me in the eye was now acting like this, facing me with determination, doing something for my sake. Sometimes I'd wonder, what was going through that mind of hers?


His Crybaby - Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now