Broken nose is best revenge

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Mari's POV

The food in the cafeteria tasted duller than usual. Ria had been talking to me casually but it felt like I couldn't give her natural replies. Had I forgotten how to speak? There was nothing much that was crossing my mind, like it had come to a halt. I looked up from my food to see a man pass by me with a smirk. He gave me a wink and sat down. Even though that party had been very dark I could still recognize him. That blonde hair and blue eyes, he was the one from then. My body went cold and all the food that I had eaten was fighting to come out. Ria passed me a drink and then looked back at the guy. "Do you know Jay?"
"W— who..? Oh, him," I stuttered. "No, I just.. I don't know. Think I saw him at the party before. He was probably there when I walked into a door. It was so embarrassing!" I took a sip of the drink she gave me which calmed
my nerves a bit. "Damn so you walked into a door and had stomach problems? Your luck is in a different league girl." Ria smiled and I smiled
back. I glanced back to see Jay, who
was now sitting with his friends,
still smirking at me.

His cold blue eyes didn't look away from me even if I glanced away. I could still feel his gaze. My leg kept on
tapping in an uneven tempo under the table and stopped once he spoke.
"Yup, I made out with a hot chick at the party yesterday," he smirked. "She was totally into me." "No way dude! You always get all the girls," his friend laughed. "Does she go to this school? I
wanna know which girl you got this time." Another friend joined in. Jay licked his lips as he looked at me. "Well.." Before I could react, could say no or even do anything, Jay was already on the floor, his nose bloody. Bill stood there with blood on his knuckles and wiped them away like he was just getting rid of dust. Jay tried to get back up to hit him but Bill stepped on his hand which made Jay fall down in defeat. Tom ran afterwards to Bill, stopping him and backing him off but he was too scared. Bill bent down and grabbed Jay by the collar to whisper something in his ear and then let him go which made Jay hit the floor with a loud thud. He soon got up and left the cafeteria while Jay struggled to get up with his friends by his side helping him. Soon after a teacher followed out of the cafeteria with a bright red face.

Ria got cut off by me springing up from my seat to run after Bill. The emotions in me were running wild. A sense of relief and happiness but also anger. He couldn't just punch someone like that, why did he even do that? My heart tightened in my chest and it felt like I was close to tears. Whenever I was feeling overly emotional my tears would come, even if I didn't want them to. I stopped once I heard the familiar teachers voice berating Bill and telling him to go to his office before school closed. Bill only said a quiet okay and that voice of his nearly made my heart skip a beat. The teacher soon after left and I walked over to Bill. He looked at me with a stoic expression, it was kind of funny. You never would've guessed that he broke someone's nose just a second ago from how casual his expression was. "What do you want?" His deep voice echoed throughout my ears. I forgot what I was supposed to say for a second but snapped out of it.
"Why did you do that?" His expression made it clear that he was gonna ask, do what? So spoke before he could. "You know what, why'd you punch that guy?" "His yapping was getting annoying so I shut him up, that's all." I bit my lower lip and looked down. "Is it because of what he
did?" He let out a sigh, "..I don't know
what you're talking about." He walked past me with his shoulders slumped and his hair so messy you'd think he just got out of bed. I looked at him from afar, longer than I needed, and muttered a quiet thank you.


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