Will always be his crybaby

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Mari's POV

Ria was watching us with a amused expression. Her eyes shimmered. They had a glint that meant she had plans. Ideas that meant trouble. "So..." Ria hummed and I raised a brow. "Since it's your birthday.." "Yeah?" I replied, agitated from the way she was dragging this out. "You'll meet Liam right? It's been a while since you two hung out." "Oh! Liam." A large smile appeared on my face and Bill glanced my way. "I haven't seen him in a while but he always visits during my birthdays. I've got to leave my schedule open." Ria picked up a bowl of red grapes and plopped one in her
mouth. "Do you have any plans for
what you'll do?" "No, don't think so. He's usually the one who decides. I just follow along." I giggled and for a second there I could've sworn I just saw Bill grip the wrapping from the
present. "Who's Liam?" Bill asked, his
brown eyes were filled with an emotion I'd never seen from him before. "Oh he's just my—" "He's someone Mari grew up with." Ria cut in. "She mentioned him to me recently, he's probably the second closest person to her, right after me." She smirked and Bill raised a brow.
Tom took the controller Ria had put down a few moments before and started scrolling through the channels. "Great. We can talk about that Liam guy another day. Right now we should be partying." Ria shot him an annoyed glare and he gave her a smirk. He turned to me. "Do you have
Netflix?" I nodded and he smiled. "Great." "Let her decide what we should watch." Ria crossed her
arms and Tom rolled her eyes. "I was just about to ask." "Mhmm, sure."

"So what do you want to watch?" Tom made sure to emphasize the you and I couldn't help but smile. "Well how about... Stranger things? Or Riverdale?" Tom searched for Riverdale and laughed. "Great choice." Ria sat down at one of the small sofas that was in front of the dining table and smiled. "This is gonna be a long night." And she was right. It was definitely a long night of laughing screaming and partying. We
watched trashy shows, passionflix movies and then horror movies that had me gripping my plushie. Bill had placed his hand on mine but that just distracted me from the movie to him.
It was probably one of the nicest birthdays I had had in a while. I'd gotten a adorable plushie from Bill, a silver heart necklace from Tom and a set of golden and silver jewels I could add to my box braids next time from Ria. All the dear presents I'd gotten were placed in my room near my shelf. I wanted this day to last forever.

Tom and Ria had left as Bill stayed with me in the kitchen. The house was pretty clean even after everything that'd happened. I'd offered to help with the cleaning but they'd shut me down. Saying that since it was my birthday I only needed to sit back. Also because I still had a cold. I took a glass of water and eyed Bill who was scrolling through his phone. He put it down and walked to me. "Do you like Liam?" "What?!" My voice nearly came out as a scream from the unexpectedness of the question. " I mean what..? Why would you ask that?" His brows furrowed and he inched closer to me. "Your face immediately changed once he got brought up. Looked like you really like him." "And what if I do?" He leaned in and kissed me. My body froze up and my eyes went wide. His kiss was filled with hunger and longing and I returned it. He pulled back, his lips just inches from mine and his breath tickling my skin. "I won't let you."

'Ria is gonna go crazy once she hears about this.'

I smirked and looked into his eyes.
"Liam is my cousin.."

Silence feel between us. "Oh." I chuckled and kissed him. My body wanted this, needed this. I couldn't tell when the change happened but along the way I'd wanted to become his. And he seemed to have felt the same way. As he grabbed my hips and pushed my body into his and placed kisses over my neck. Like he was marking it, removing any signs that Jay had been there. I pulled back, gasping for air and let out a laugh. I couldn't hold it in. "I can't believe it, you really were jealo—" He shut me up with a kiss and through rugged breathes I heard him breathe out a

"you're mine."

and that made me lean into him even more. I really was his.

The end.


His Crybaby - Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now