Chapter 1. Life

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It was a rainy night on which a fine restaurant was packed with dining people. Chatter, laughter and the clinking of utensils filled the air as guests were enjoying their time and waiters were hurrying around to serve people with as little waiting as possible. In the middle of it all, a young waiter was about to faint from the strain.

The waiter sighed as he returned from taking six handfuls of plates to the tables with only two hands. He leaned against the counter and took a moment to just breathe and wipe some sweat off of his forehead.

"John!" The general manager, Tomas, called out, making the young waiter flinch. "No time to stand around! Back to work!"

John rolled his eyes and shook his head, swearing he was going to slam resignation papers in that stupid, fat man's face first thing in the morning. Or at least imagine doing so. It was not like he had the chance to do so for real; he needed the money.

John, after serving a few more tables, was tasked to go fix the menu board right outside the restaurant. It was a wooden-framed blackboard that had fallen over in the wind and smudged the chalk on it. John rushed over to pick it up and fix the menu on it, when he noticed something that took his mind off of the job completely.

Two cardboard boxes had been neatly placed next to the entrance, out of the rain, the interiors covered by thick blankets. That was not even what caught John's attention, but the fact that there was noise coming from the boxes.

Cooing and crying.

John dared to go over to the little boxes. He knelt down and cautiously lifted up the red squared blanket in the other box. His suspicions were confirmed immediately.

A baby.

A baby boy with a significant amount of brown hair and bright amber eyes was gazing up at him from the box. He was whining quietly and wiggling under the blanket.

John took a deep, shaky breath and looked into the other box. He found a baby girl, a newborn, with a few strands of black hair and magnificent ocean blue eyes.

He couldn't believe it. He had just found two babies, so small and helpless, abandoned just outside their restaurant. Who were these babies? Where had they come from? Why had they been abandoned? What was John supposed to do now? What would happen to them?

John gazed down at the babies once more and, in the process, noticed a small tag hanging from the baby boy's neck like a little necklace. He took a hold of the tag to read it.

Please care for our children. We cannot offer them the life they deserve. They are special, very special. Please find them a loving home.

Their names are Kai and Nya Smith. Please help them.

-Their mother and father

John slowly stood up, the babies' coos and whines filling his ears.

"Tomas!" John shouted, rushing back inside. "Tomas!"


The first sun rays of the morning peeked up from behind the mountains, sharing their light to the awakening valley in the midst of the mountains. The rays traveled through the air, in through the window of a small, wooden house far from any other, and brought golden light into the still slumbering household. 

Or, the mostly slumbering household.

"Kai! Nya! Get up! Now!" A female voice demanded.

Kai groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. The 8-year-old could feel his 6-year-old sister moving beside him, but ignored it and tried to keep on sleeping.

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