Chapter 9. Diagnosis

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Lloyd was having the time of his life.

Early in the morning, Lloyd had left the monastery with his uncle and traveled to Ninjago City. The way to the healthcare center had been the best ever, even better than the train journey a couple days back. Lloyd had seen so much during one simple trip; cars, weird metal trains that traveled on cables, shopping malls, bicycles, motorcycles, unicycles and everything else so normal to others but magnificent to him. He'd also been very happy over the busy streets of Ninjago City. It seemed everyone else was annoyed by the continuous traffic jams and other people in general, but Lloyd had been the most delighted when they'd been stuck for a half an hour. He'd gotten to look around in peace.

Eventually, Wu and Lloyd arrived at Ninjago City Children's Healthcare Center. Lloyd wasn't exactly sure at what age people stopped counting as children, but apparently he was still one. He didn't feel like a child anymore, though. He was already twelve years old, so basically he was an adult.

"I'll check you in. You can go wait over there," Wu instructed, gesturing to the waiting area with lots of seats and even more people.

Lloyd nodded, going to hang out in what counted as the waiting area. He didn't stand still, however. He walked around the room and gazed at everything he could find. There were lots of posters with cute animals on them, some windows, a small table with paper and coloring pencils on it, and some magazines on small stands. But what could be found from the room the most was a phone. Almost every single person was holding a cell phone, their unshared attention solely on the device. Not a single adult was reading or just looking around; they were all staring at their phones. The children seemingly closest to Lloyd in age were also on their phones, while smaller kids were drawing or playing.


Lloyd turned to see his uncle having returned. He quickly made his way over to him and sat in what was probably the last vacant seat beside Wu.

"This must be your first time in a healthcare center," Wu assumed.

Lloyd nodded, continuing to stare at everything and everyone. He happened to spot a boy with black hair and very round eyes sitting next to a strict-looking lady, but didn't dare to keep his eyes on him for too long. Then he saw a girl with platinum blonde hair on braids holding the hand of a light brown haired man wearing a straw hat similar to that of Wu's. The girl met his gaze and cracked a small smile. Lloyd didn't have the courage to smile back. Instead, he turned to look elsewhere and noticed a man in a white jacket walking by. Based on his knowledge, the man was a doctor. And the woman following him (dressed in light blue) was a nurse, apparently. Lloyd had read a book about hospitals and their staff the previous day, so he was able to recognize most people's jobs based on their clothing.

"Lloyd Garmadon."

At first Lloyd didn't realize who was being called by the brown-haired female doctor, but as Wu got up and gestured to him to follow suit, it hit him. 

That was his name.

Well, the 'Lloyd' part had been obvious. Of course he knew his own first name. But what in Ninjago had replaced his surname? Karma-done? Car-my-done? He had been called Smith his whole life up until now, and he would've preferred it to stay that way.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Ming," the doctor lady introduced herself and shook hands with Wu. She tried to do the same with Lloyd, but the blond didn't bring his hands even an inch closer to hers.

Coming into the doctor's very white room, Lloyd found more interesting posters to stare at and lots of terrifying tools in see-through drawers to glare at. He really hoped his appointment would have nothing to do with those brutal weapons.

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