Chapter 2. Change

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Following the previous night's accident, Kai and Nya were trying to be extra nice to Rita the next morning. They needed her in a good mood since they still had to ask her permission to go on the field trip.

"Good morning," Nya smiled as Rita came downstairs looking like a real mess.

"Wipe that grin off your face," Rita scowled and stumbled to the table. She only watched as Kai brought her some breakfast before taking a seat with Nya.

"You look nice," Nya complimented innocently.

"I know," Rita mumbled and honestly looked even more like a mess with her expression a mixture of annoyance and despair.

"So…" Kai began, hesitantly glancing at Nya. "Our teacher, Mr. Neuro, announced a field trip yesterday. It's next Friday and we'd really like to go."

Rita looked at Kai expectantly.

"And we would, of course, clean the house and prepare food on the night before," Nya added hastily. "We would complete all our tasks early and make sure nothing is left undone."

Kai carefully placed the permission slip on the table.

Rita looked down at them both for a moment before snatching the slip. Her unfocused eyes read it rather slowly before she put the paper down.


"But Miss—" Kai tried.

"I said 'no'!" Rita shouted. "You have more work to do than ever soon and you can't leave the house for an entire day."

Nya looked confused. "Miss… why will we have more work?"

"None of your business," Rita spat. "Yet. You will see today, when you come back from school. Make sure to come early too."

Kai gave up on the field trip and nodded in defeat, but Nya carried on.

"Miss, we promise we'll do everything before the field trip. We'll—"

"How many times do I have to say no to you?" Rita snapped, slamming her hand on the table.

Kai began to wolf down his breakfast noodles in case Rita ordered them to get out or forbade them from eating. He wanted to at least eat before the long way to school and listen to everyone fussing about the field trip.

"I'm sorry, Miss…" Nya muttered, shifting her gaze to her plate.

"You better be," Rita scoffed and staggered up. On her way, she threw the permission slip into the trash bin, much to the siblings' sadness.

"I told you so," Kai mumbled. He'd known this would happen, but had kept his hopes up for Nya's sake. He'd been convinced from the very beginning that their fate was to miss out on the whole trip and later just listen as their classmates ranted about how amazing Marmar and the festival had been.

"Sorry," Nya sighed.

Kai looked up at her, seeing how sad she looked. He then got up and came to give her a warm hug.

"We can play tag on our way to school. That would be fun, wouldn't it?" Kai suggested with a smile.

Nya cracked a small smile too. "Yeah, I guess."  


Kai and Nya rushed into the house, tired and hot. They practically bolted to the faucet and both drank a crazy amount of water, not bothering to use such things as glasses to help them. It was incredible how much water could fit in their little stomachs, but they didn't care. They just drank as much as they could before hearing Rita's voice.

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