Chapter 8. Training

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The morning sun rays crept into the quiet bedroom stealthily, slowly crawling onto the face of the only sleeper in it. They shone bright on Lloyd's closed eyelids, telling his brain it was time to wake up.

Lloyd groaned, pulling the softer-than-soft duvet over his head to shield himself from the rude sun. He felt like sleeping for the next hundred years. He was so comfortable, so sleepy, and so warm. 

However, there was a knock at the door that had him flinch. He instinctively shot out of bed and started to prepare for another day full of arduous work.

"Lloyd. Anyday now." 

Lloyd stopped. Upon hearing Kai's voice, he remembered where he was. He was no longer in the house of horrors, where Rita would come banging on the door each morning and hit him if he didn't get up fast enough. No, he was at the monastery, where he apparently didn't have to work to be able to live there.

The blond glanced at the clock on the bedside table, noticing how it was already nine in the morning. He had never ever awoken this late. Rita had always forced him up at seven at latest, sometimes as early as five o'clock.

Lloyd bit his lip, continuing to get dressed, but a bit slower now. He wanted to experience what it felt like to not be in a hurry to get up. He wanted to enjoy the freedom of being able to do things at his own pace. 

But he still hurried a little, because Kai was clearly waiting for him. He just didn't know how to make someone wait.

Lloyd made an attempt at brushing his knotted, tousled hair and pulled on the clothes he'd been given by his uncle. But as he was looking for his socks, he opened one of the dresser drawers and felt like his jaw dropped to the bottom of the mountain.

There were clothes. Multiple stacks of neatly folded clothes. There were hoodies, jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts, second pajamas and at least a million pairs of socks.

Were they his? Could they be? Where had they come from? Why was he given so many clothes? He was fine with the ones Wu had given him. He didn't need more. 

Unsure whether or not he was allowed to touch the clothes, Lloyd left them be and walked out of the room without socks on. It was honestly preferable since he wasn't very used to wearing socks anyway. They felt restricting.

"Oh, you're alive," Kai said as though greatly surprised once Lloyd had dragged himself out. "Nya and I thought you'd died in your sleep. She already went ahead, telling me to inform her if you were dead."

Lloyd grinned a little. "You're more likely to die overnight than I am. You're basically a geriatric."

Kai furrowed his brow. "Wow, thanks." Despite his convincing, fake irritation, Lloyd could see amusement in his eyes. "Well, come on. They've apparently made breakfast."

Lloyd followed Kai into the kitchen, fiddling with his hands nervously. Eating food somebody else had prepared sounded like a nightmare to him. He was so used to preparing every single meal and eating the same stuff every single day that the sudden change felt nerve-wracking. However, he was so unbelievably hungry that he didn’t let his insecurity stop him now. He was hungrier than he remembered ever to have been before, which was peculiar, to be honest.

"Good morning," said Wu. He was the first one to greet the brothers, and his greeting was followed by a number of good morning's from everyone except Morro. The cousin was sitting beside his father, sulking and munching on… something.

Taking a seat between his siblings, Lloyd stared down at the flat whatever's stacked on his plate. They were brown-ish, kind of thin, circular, flat pieces of… something. They reminded him a little of bloated tortillas, but he was 9/10 sure they weren't tortillas.

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