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Adrien was wound up like a spring. He tried to relax, tried to think of what Alya had told him, but he just couldn't help it. His shoulders were tight, his stomach was in knots, and nothing, not Alya's hand on his shoulder or the sight of Emma tossing flowers down the aisle, helped.

Then Marinette entered.

And the world completely faded away.

The only interruption was Alya tapping his arm to hand him a tissue.

Everything was so vivid yet surreal. He barely could hear the officiant. He just repeated vows he meant from the bottom of his heart and then slid the ring on her finger before she slid one onto his.

Then, he had the honor of lifting the veil from Marinette's face and kissing his wife.

The reception was a whirlwind of excitement and happiness and the only person he could focus on was his wife.

His. Wife.

He couldn't stand to leave her side the entire night. The least amount of contact he could manage was holding her hand. If she let go, he felt like he just might explode. Thankfully, she didn't seem inclined to let his hand go, either.

Somehow, the reception ended and the guests chased Adrien and Marinette into their escape limousine while tossing rice at them. It took a minute for their laughter to calm and the events of the day to catch up with him. He looked over at Marinette, taking in her beauty and her smile and the stars sparkling in her eyes, and suddenly, reality began to feel real and tangible once again. And the reality was this woman was his wife whom he had just married and he couldn't be happier. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

Her grin widened. She took his cheeks in her hands, and he completely melted into her touch. "Have you looked in a mirror, handsome?"

"Why would I bother? My view is too spectacular to look away."

Even in the dark light, he could see her cheeks darken. He couldn't help but lean forward the extra inch to close the distance between their lips. She wrapped her arms around him, grabbing his hair, his vest, his collar, and clinging tight.

With one hand on the seat back to steady them, he wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her close, pressing his lips on hers again, and again, and again. And then when he swallowed a little whine she made, a fire lit in his belly that reminded him that they were married and it was their wedding night and if he wasn't burning beforehand, he felt positively on fire now.

She pulled away and started peppering kisses along his jaw. That's when he reached over to press the button for the privacy screen against the driver. He turned to press a kiss to her lips again, and she hummed happily.

"Wife." He said against her lips. "My wife."

She giggled pulling away to rest her forehead against his. "And you're my husband."

"Your husband." He said. "All yours. On—"

He paused, realizing he was unable to finish that sentiment. If he could say 'only hers' he would. But he couldn't. Not when Chloe held a part of him and his past.

But there was one thing he could say. "Marinette?"


He cradled her jaw in his hands, and she wrapped her fingers around his wrists. "I wish that I could tell you how happy it makes me to be all yours and only ever yours."

She sucked in a breath. "I... guess neither of us can return that sentiment."

"No," he said. "And that's okay. I understand."

Second ChancesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora