gender reveal & old wives' tales-------->chp56

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Marinette rubbed the bulge that was her five-month belly. The one that contained her baby that she only recently found the gender of.

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Honestly, she would probably have been happy either way, but she just couldn't help but think of just how ridiculously proud Adrien was of himself.

"I gave you what you wanted, didn't I?" he had teased with a smug grin and waggling brows. "I'm that good."

Marinette decided to forgo the whole "gender reveal" party and decided to just tell her friends one by one. That way, she could relish in each person's excitement.

She baked macrons for her parents, filling them with a blue icing that could only be discovered when it was bitten into. Her maman had squealed, and her papa had given her a tight hug.

Alya and Nino had also been a blast, flat out telling them that she was getting her Hugo. Nino had grinned, and Alya had squealed. They both congratulated her—and Adrien—and then swore they would be the best aunt and uncle a boy could have.

But Emma had been the most fun.

"Now," Marinette explained to her while Adrien filmed the whole thing. "You have to pop the balloon, and confetti is going to fall out of it. If it's pink, then you're going to have a little sister. If it's blue, you're going to have a little brother."

Emma's grin was bright as sunshine as she carefully took the large sewing pin Marinette handed her.

"Do you want to guess what it is, Em?" Adrien asked.

She paused a second. "Um... a brother?"

"Is that what you want?"

She nodded. "Just like Little Bear."

Adrien and Marinette shared a knowing look just before Emma poked the black balloon with the pin, Sending blue confetti everywhere.

She squealed. "I'm gonna have a baby brother?!"

"You're going to have a little brother," Marinette confirmed.

She squealed once again, and Marinette took the pin from her hands before Emma could hurt herself with it with as much as she was flailing around. "I'm gonna have a little brother!"


"Adrien, you just missed it."

Adrien pouted, his hands on Marinette's swollen abdomen. He'd come too late, apparently, and missed the baby shifting.

She giggled and placed her hands over his. "You'll have the opportunity to feel it again."

"But it was the first time," he moaned. "And I missed it."

Chuckling all the while, she patted his hands. "I'm sorry."

He mock pouted. "Fine." With that, he wrapped his arms around her lower torso best he could and laid down between her legs, his head resting on her upper thigh. "I'm staying right here until it moves again."

"Adrien," she giggled. "It's probably not going to do it right away."

"Don't care," he said. "I'm not letting you go until I feel it."

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