friends -------->chp18

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“How? It was the best in the series.”

“No, it wasn’t. It was an updated version of the one before that.”

“You thought three was the best? Really?”

“It was the best overall.”

“Four was better. Better graphics, better moves, better controls.”

“But it didn’t offer anything better. Ultimate Mecha Strike Three was the last game they really cared about and everything afterwards was just to make money.”


Marinette couldn’t hold down her laughter any longer. Because here she was arguing with her boss about video games in a classy restaurant.

Adrien took the last sip of his wine. “You know what I think,” he said, setting the empty glass beside his clean plate. “I think that you are saying that because you couldn’t best me if you tried.”

She straightened at the challenge. “You think you’re better?”

“Absolutely,” he retaliated with a grin.

“When was the last time you ever picked up a video game controller?”

He considered this for a moment. “A few months ago when I got to visit Nino over my lunch break.”

Marinette rolled her eyes. “Please. Anyone could beat Nino. When was the last time you had a real challenge?”

“Are you offering?”

“If you think you can take it.”


“Your place or mine?”

It took Marinette a full ten seconds to process that she had, in a sense, just agreed to a date with her boss. A second one, actually, if she counted the fact she had willingly agreed to dine with him tonight.

She watched as understanding dawned over his face, too. “That came out wrong,” he said, misinterpreting her shock.

She shook her head. “No, um… it’s not that,” she managed. “It’s…umm… you know, never mind,” she brushed off with a fake grin. It was two friends hanging out together. That’s what this was. Nothing weird at all.

Adrien didn’t look convinced but still nodded. “I’ll see when my father is available to watch Emma and get back to you?”

“Sounds good,” Marinette said, successfully hiding her uncertainty in her voice.

Thankfully, Theo appeared at the perfect time, offering dessert as all servers do. Marinette thought now would be the perfect time to take her leave. To decline dessert and ask for her portion of the check. But Adrien never let her get a word in, taking the menu and asking for a moment.

With a grin, he set the menu down between them. “Does any particular thing strike you?”

She gave him a partial smile. “I… I don’t know. I feel like I should be going.”

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