Trying to seduce another one?

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A loud crash and the crystal flower vase shattered across the tiled floor. Then went the bottle of wine. I cowered in fear in the kitchen, silently making Aunt Jude's black coffee, while Ophelia screamed curses at Adeline in the adjoined dining room.

She couldn't have Vin after all her fantasies to become Luna for years. And the coming blood moon would shatter her dreams completely.

My heart clenched at the thought of Blood Moon. The night he will claim someone else officially forever. Tears started to burn my vision again for the umpteenth time since last night. My wolf was so much in pain, keeping me awake the whole night. It was getting weaker.

"Ophelia, calm down! And lower your voice! You stayed out the whole night drinking God knows where and now throwing a tantrum! I swear, if anyone hears you…"

"I don't fucking care!" Ophelia snapped, glaring at her mother. Mascara smeared beneath her eyes whilst her hair was a mess. "How can she appear all of a sudden and snatch my Vinson away just like that! I don't care if she is his mate or not! I'm far better than her! I've known him since childhood! He is mine!"

Fury was written across her features.

Aunt Jude grabbed her arms and shook her to her senses. "Shut your mouth before anyone overhears you! Rebellion against the future Luna can be considered treachery. Did you forget what happened to Sam just for touching that maid? Vision will do worse if he finds out your hatred for his mate! You are not his fated mate, so accept it! Don't get us into trouble!"

Her voice was low as she hissed at her daughter. But her words were like needles to my heart. No matter how much I was aware of Adeline's being his mate, my heart didn't seem to accept it.

He wasn't my fated mate, but it felt like I was facing his rejection seeing him with his actual partner.

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself and took the black coffee out.

Ophelia shrugged off her mother's hands. "I won't accept it! I will see how that bitch takes my position from me! I have dreamt of it for years! I don't care if she is an alpha female or not!"

Just as she turned around furiously to leave, she stumbled on her heels. Her shoulder collided with mine, causing the hot coffee to fall on the ground. Some splashes burned my skin, making me hiss. Ophelia took a quick step back from the hot beverage.

"I'm sorry…"

Before I could finish, a smack across my face threw me on the ground. A ringing pain shot through my skull. The mug shattered on the ground.

"Watch where you are going, bitch! Were you trying to burn me with that shit?" she bellowed, before lifting her leg, aiming for me.

Whimpering, I closed my eyes, waiting for the hit, but it never came.

"What the hell are you doing, Lia?" Matt's hiss made me open my eyes. He stood between me and his cousin.

A tear fell from my eye as I crawled back from her murderous gaze. My cheek throbbed with pain.

"I'm teaching this bitch a lesson! She seems to keep forgetting her place!" Ophelia snapped.

Matt's gaze fell on me, then my cheek. Brown eyes widened. Sympathy and…fear flickered across his features. He went abnormally pale before rushing to me and helping me on my feet. My fists clenched at the pity in his eyes. I didn't want that.

"Are you all right, Rory? Does it hurt? I'm so sorry, I…" He turned to his cousin again. "How dare you put your hands on her? Have you lost it! Is that how you treat her?"

Luna To My Alpha Stepbrother Where stories live. Discover now