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Ignoring the girl's pleading for me not to go outside, I limped out of the room. An oh so familiar scent pulled me to it. He was downstairs. Standing at the head of the staircase, I watched the people gathered in the living room.

It was Matt's house, newly built for the beta. But why was I brought here?

Standing in the middle of the room, the psycho Alpha listened to something Matt was whispering to him. In a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his appearance made my heart race, much to my dismay. My blood started to boil soon, recalling the incident last night.

Though my attention soon shifted on uncle Donovan and the former Alpha Christopher, who stood right behind Vin. Lines of worry formed on their foreheads, same went for Matt. The only unconcerned person was the great Vinson Salvatore Rustov.

Right then, two tall men entered the living room followed by a lean yet powerful woman. Blonde hair danced around her shoulders as she stomped inside. At the sight of her, questions started to buzz into my head again.

She was supposed to be the Luna of this pack by now, right? Then why did her pack declare war against us? And the most shocking thing was, I couldn't find any mark on her long slender neck.

"Adeline, we can sit down and talk about this. You don't need to take such a rash decision," said Matt, with a crease on his small forehead.

Adeline's bright blue eyes stayed on Vin, that gaze held hatred and vengeance. "There is nothing to talk about. Your Alpha betrayed me. He insulted me, the Alpha of MoonGlaze pack, before the whole world. He broke the sacred rule of our nature. And now he will face the consequences."

Matt's lips pursed, his eyes met with uncle Donovan for a moment. While Christopher took a step ahead.

"Adeline, I know what Vinson did was wrong. But he must have a valid reason for that. Why don't you calm down and think about it again? A war will cause harm to both packs."

"I don't care about the consequences! He should have thought about it before rejecting me in front of the whole pack!" she snapped.

A gasp left me.

He rejected her? But why? They were mates, right? What happened all of a sudden that he had to reject her right when he was about to mark her and accept her as a mate?

Vin tilted his head to the side. "I don't think it's a betrayal. Didn't I tell you I didn't need a mate when we met for the first time? I made it clear I didn't want you. But you insisted on coming here with me and giving it a chance. You said you would make me want you. But you couldn't. So I rejected you. As simple as that." Voice cold and indifferent.

Each word of his rang into my head like a broken radio. He didn't…want her? Then why bring her here? How was it possible for him not to want his mate? Mates were meant to be soulmates. As far as I knew him, no one could make him do anything against his wish. Then why did he let Adeline have her ways if he really didn't want her?

His words and indifference seemed to set Adeline on fire. She grabbed Vin's shirt in her hands and hissed, "You did betray me! No Alpha rejects their mates! It's forbidden for the leaders of packs to deny their soulmates! But you did! And I very well know why you are doing it! I will kill that bi…"

Before she could finish, Vin's fingers wrapped around her neck, moving her a step away from him. "Finish that line, and I will break another rule by removing your head from your body!"

I flinched at his growl. The men with Adeline came forward to help her out of Vin's death grip, but the heavy dangerous aura he had at that moment stopped them. On the other hand the female Alpha turned a shade paler as she struggled in Vin's hand.

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