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"Jesus." I murmur as Taylors high end Chevrolet Camaro winds its way through the vast driveway heading towards the Lancaster Pack house.

Taylor has a floatplane that he tried to get me on this morning as apparently it takes literally minutes to get up to the Lancaster's main family residence. Yeah, there's no way in hell I'm getting on that thing, so I insisted that we drive instead. I thought Taylor would be pissed as it's a good hour and half journey by land but if anything, he seems to be happy to avoid getting here early.

I knew this place was going to be big, but holy hell, it's more than that, its insanely extravagant and huge.

I side glance at my mate whose face is completely emotionless when he nods to yet another warrior guard on our way up to see his brothers, he's been quiet ever since he got the call from Kit last night commanding for him to come and see him at the Lancaster ancestral home. In all honesty, it was a bit of a mood buster as up till then the Beta had been a lot of fun getting hot and heavy with me in his workshop.

Heat creeps up my neck when I think of some of the positions the Beta has me in as I cross my legs over starting to feel that insatiable ache to have him back there already... dear-fucking-god... when does fresh mates mark start to lose their potency as I could barely walk last night and now all I crave is for him to just pull over so we can do it all over again, right here in the driveway.

Opening the window to get some cool air into the car, I go to ask Taylor if he's ok when his car turns yet another corner and I finally see the pack house I've always wanted to live in since I first saw it in a magazine when I was a little girl. It's simply breath-taking, the sheer size and beauty of it makes my jaw drop. This Lancaster pack house is more like a pack palace, it could easily be mistaken that royalty lives here, it was modelled of some French chateau nearly two hundred years ago when the family moved to the States from Europe but inside is supposed to be extremely modern.

"It's probably best I speak my brother alone before I introduce you to him. I'll get one of the omegas to take you to the gardens so you can look around..." begins Taylor but I can't help to butt in.

"No, it's ok, I'll wait for you to give me the grand tour. I can just sit and wait." I grin enthusiastically before I look back at Taylor's darkening eyes and frown.

"What's wrong? Are you... embarrassed to introduce me to your Alpha?" I say whilst sitting up a little straighter in my chair as all my sexual desires I had just moments ago for him shut down almost instantly and now all I feel is hurt.

"No." Taylor reply's instantly as his eyes snap onto me but I cross my arms over and frown at him. "It's quite the opposite... I just ..." Taylor runs a frustrated hand through his hair before he looks back at the road with a tightened jaw leaving an awkward silence fall between us.

"O-kay." I roll my eyes.

Fine, don't fucking tell me what's wrong. There's me thinking, despite the shaky start, we were finally making some good progress.

Huffing, I stubbornly look back out of the window until we finally pull up in front of the Lancaster's huge home and within a heartbeat two Omega's dart out waiting to meet us. One comes to my door to open it for me whilst the other waits to be handed Taylors keys so he can re-park it whilst we're inside.

"Lady Harper Lancaster, welcome." Smiles the smartly dressed omega who helped me out of the car before nodding in respect to Taylor.

Ok, I'm in paradise.

I'm so entranced looking up at the large house in all its glory with a huge smile plastered across my face that at first, I don't notice Taylor stood watching me for a moment until I feel his agitated aura role off him, and our eyes finally collide.

BETA LANCASTERWhere stories live. Discover now