first time (requested)

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You felt Taylor's lips brush softly across your forehead.

You're laying on her bed with your head resting comfortably on her chest.

A movie is playing and your hand is wrapped in hers while your legs are tangled together.

Her parents and brother are out of town for the night and Taylor didn't want to be left alone, so you're staying over.

The house is empty and quiet and you feel warm and content in her embrace.

You lifted your head from her chest and looked up at her to find her gazing at you adoringly with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

You leaned in and stole a kiss from her lips as you gently placed your hand on her cheek.

She deepened the kiss a little and pulled you a little closer as you began to make out.

But there was something different about this make-out session compared to the other ones you and Taylor have shared.

And that was that you both felt something more; a want, a craving that you couldn't quite explain.

She slowly pulled away from your lips and put her forehead against yours as you caught your breath.

"Do you want to take this further, baby?" She asked. "We don't have to, of course, if you're not ready. But if you do... so do I."

It was something you hadn't quite expected to hear from her tonight.

But you weren't complaining.

Because hearing those words leave her lips made your heart skip and, softly, you replied.

"Yes. I'm ready." You said as you stared into her eyes. "I want you, Taylor."

She smiled before rolling you onto your back.

She put her lips on yours again and gave you the sweetest kisses you've ever had.

You felt her hands wandering across your body as you kissed and you began to do the same, wanting to feel every inch of her body against your fingertips.

"Baby," She whispered as she pulled away from your lips. "Can I please take your clothes off?"

You nodded.

But that wasn't enough for her; she needed to hear you say the words, not just nod your head.

"Tell me, baby." She said as she caressed your cheek.

"Yes, baby. Please do."

And with that, she began to take your clothes off of your body until you were completely bare beneath her.

"You have to take yours off too. It's only fair, beautiful."

She smiled at you before taking off her clothes and tossing them across the room with yours.

You were both nervous, it was easy to tell.

But it was natural because this was the first time for both of you.

But more than anything else, you felt safe.

As Taylor started to kiss across your body and her hands began to inch closer to the spot where you needed to feel them the most, you felt loved.

You knew that everything you'd experience with Taylor tonight was going to be out of love, not lust.

She took your hands into hers and intertwined your fingers together before she put her lips back on yours, giving you the most romantic and loving kisses she could.

"You're absolutely sure about this, baby? I want you to be sure."

"I'm sure, Taylor. Honestly, I've never been more sure about anything as I feel right now. I love you so much, Tay. I just want you."

She kissed you again.

"I want you too, baby. We'll take things easy and slow. We have the entire night to ourselves, so let's not hurry anything, okay?"

"Okay." You grinned.

That made your heart melt.

She wanted to show you just how much she loves you and she wanted to take every second she could to show you that.

She wasn't going to rush anything and neither were you.

You wanted to cherish every second of these moments spent with your beautiful girl and you wanted to make sure she felt just as loved and as safe as you.

So as she kissed you again, you put your hands on her hips and pulled her as close as she could get.

And as she pulled away to kiss your neck, your heart raced with excitement as you realized that you and Taylor were about to share your first time together; something so special and so romantic.

And you anticipated every moment of love with her, knowing it was going to be even more perfect than you ever imagined it could be because it was going to be with Taylor.

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