heartbreaks and sleepovers (requested)

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"Hey, Taylor!" You smiled as you closed her bedroom door behind you. "You wanted to have a sleepover?"

"Yeah." She replied quietly. "I figured we could hang out. I could use a little cheering up."

You frowned as you sat down beside her.

"What's the matter?"

You could see the sadness in those beautiful blue eyes of hers and it pained you to see her so down.

"Emily and I broke up." She quietly said before looking down at her lap.

You know exactly who Emily is.

She's one of the most popular girls in school and everyone adores her.

You've never been able to stand her but you tried to put your opinions about her aside because Taylor is your best friend and you care very much about her.

In the end, all you want is for her to be happy... even if it's not with you.

"I know it seems so silly because we weren't together for long. It's only been, what, two months? But... I liked her."

You put your head on her shoulder as you brushed your fingers across her hand and she wordlessly placed her head on yours.

"It doesn't sound silly at all, Tay." You assured. "I'm so sorry."

"Thank you." She said as she looked at you, her blue eyes starting to sparkle again when they met yours. "That's why I wanted you to come and stay over. I needed you."

"Well, I am here for you. What should we do first? Maybe watch a movie?"

"Sure." She replied.

You tried to steer away from any romantic films and anything that involved heartbreak, knowing that was the opposite of what Taylor wanted to see right now.

So you turned on a comedy film instead with the hopes of it being able to bring a smile to her face or maybe making a few laughs leave her lips.

But it didn't.

The entire hour and a half, Taylor just lay in silence beside you.

She didn't crack a smile nor did she even chuckle slightly.

She was just so heartbroken and, soon enough, you began to feel it as well.

Seeing the girl you care so much for so crushed wasn't easy for you.

You wish you could just wrap her in your arms and tell her all of the things on your mind, such as how that Emily girl she's been with didn't care about her the way you do and that someone loves her more than she'll ever realize; you.

But you didn't quite dare to do that.

So you just laid there in silence along with her, hoping that, eventually, you'd see your favorite girl happy once again.

"Well, that movie is over." You said, breaking the silence between you as the credits rolled. "What do you want to do now?"

"Could we watch another film?" She asked. "Please?"

"Yeah." You replied before turning on another comedy, hoping this one was a little better than the last and it would do the trick.

For a few minutes, it was silent as you two watched the film.

But she soon moved closer to you... and then even closer.

Her head fell against your shoulder as she grabbed your hand and began to play with your fingers.

"I know this is the most boring sleepover we've ever had."

You looked at her before shaking your head with a smile.

"I'm not bored."

"Are you sure? You're not even enjoying these movies."

"Yeah, well, that's because it's hard to do when I know you're so sad." You replied as she looked up at you, right into your eyes. "I care about you a lot, Taylor. When you're sad, I'm sad."

"I don't want to be sad." She said as she looked at your hand in hers. "I want to be happy. I want to forget all about her and just focus on you. Because you're always here for me. No one else cares about me the way you do."

Your heart was racing against your chest as you listened to her soft voice and her touching words.

But suddenly, she buried her face in your shirt and started to cry.

"Oh, Taylor," You quietly spoke before you began to rub her back.

"I'm sorry."

"Shh, don't apologize. It's alright." You whispered. "I'm here for you. I've got you."

She didn't hold back her tears as her heart ached in her chest.

Your embrace was warm and secure, a safe place for her to turn and let all of the tears fall from her eyes when she didn't know who else she could turn to.

As much as you hated seeing her cry, especially over someone who didn't deserve her, you didn't pull away.

Instead, you continued to rub her back and whisper in her ear that she could just let everything out and that you were there for her.

"It's okay." You said a few minutes later. "Do you want to talk about it anymore?"

But all you got in return was silence.

You looked down to find that she had fallen asleep.

Her eyes were closed as soft breaths left her lips and, even though you didn't want to wake her, you reached down and gently dried her cheeks to wipe away the tears.

"You deserve better than her, Tay. You deserve the world." You whispered. "I wish you could see how amazing you are and how much I love you."

You sighed and continued to stare at her before gently brushing your fingers through her curls.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. She didn't appreciate you and I can't believe how crazy she was for that. But she's even crazier for letting you go. Because she'll never find someone else as amazing as you. You're everything everyone dreams of. You're... perfect. To me, at least."

You paused to make sure she was still asleep and as you heard her continue to breathe softly and stay still in your arms, you continued.

"I'll be here to dry your tears whenever you need. I'll hold you and I'll love you... always. I just wish you knew that you're my everything. I promise, if you were my girl, I'd treat you like a queen. Because you are one."

You yawned as your eyes started to become heavier.

"But I'll never have the courage to tell you this. That doesn't mean my love for you will ever fade away though, because it won't. I think I'll love you forever."

You closed your eyes as you spoke and, despite still having so much to tell her, you were starting to become too tired to do so.

"Have sweet dreams, pretty girl. I'm sure I'll dream of you again tonight, as I always do. Because I wish you were mine."

You ended up falling asleep shortly after, having fallen even more in love with her tonight than ever before.

But Taylor wasn't asleep.

She'd heard every word leave your sweet lips and she hadn't been able to hold back her smile since you closed your eyes.

"I'm so in love with you." You mumbled as you drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Taylor stared at you as her heart hammered against her chest.

Her hand found yours again but instead of playing with your fingers, she intertwined them this time around.

She watched you sleep as she realized how strong her feelings were for you; she just didn't realize it until now.

But her heart beats for you and, oh, she loves you more than you'll ever realize.

"I'm so in love with you too." She whispered as she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face, wondering if, all this time, the one that was meant for her was right in front of her eyes all along.

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