you ask her out (requested)

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"Hey, Y/N!" One of your friends cheerfully spoke as you made your way into the cafeteria.

"Hey," You quietly spoke in response.

Your other friend hurried to your side and she quickly noticed how quiet and down you seemed to be.

"Wow, just a hey? That's all I get?" Your friend joked.

"At least you got that. I didn't even get a 'Hey, how are you today? So glad you could join us'." Your other friend said.

You let out a sigh as you strolled through the cafeteria but you stopped walking and stared as you reached Taylor's table.

Taylor Swift - your biggest crush.

Your eyes lit up as soon as you saw her and you seemed to be much happier than you were before.

How could you not be when it came to seeing Taylor?

Seeing you stop and stare, Taylor turned her gaze away from her friends and locked eyes with you.

She smiled brightly and her blue eyes sparkled as they stayed locked with your own.

But you turned away shyly, making your friends roll their eyes.

You all began walking as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and tried to hide how your cheeks were heating up.

"Why don't you just talk to her?"

You sat down at a table with a sigh.

"Will you just ask her out already?"

"I can't do that. I'm too scared. I mean, haven't you seen her? She's gorgeous!"

"So are you!" Your friend said as they both hugged you.

"Just be yourself, girl. Talk to her. I promise it'll be okay."

"I don't know." You said as you bit your lip nervously. "With her music career taking off? What if it's a bad time and she rejects me?"

"That won't happen. She likes you too, I know it. Please ask her out already." Your friends pleaded.

"Alright, alright. I'll do it after our next class."

Your friends excitedly squealed, hoping that this was finally the day that you would make your move.

After lunch, you went to your biology class, and after that was over, you decided that it was time to make your move.

You exited the classroom and spotted Taylor across the hall at her locker.

"Okay. You can do this, Y/N," You told yourself and took a deep breath before approaching her.

You cleared your throat and Taylor turned her head before staring at you with a big smile.

"Hi, Y/N,"

"Hi, Taylor," You said with a nervous smile. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay!" Taylor said as she closed her locker. "Anything. Go ahead, I'm listening."

"So..." You paused and took a deep breath again. "I have a huge crush on you, Taylor."

"You do?" She asked as her blue eyes lit up.

"And I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime?"

Taylor didn't reply for a moment.

Instead, she just stared at you with a warm smile on her face; one that only grew as your words sank in.

She giggled and you stared at her in confusion.

"What did I say?"

"Nothing! No, I'm not laughing at you, I swear!" She assured before she gently took your hand. "It's just that I was thinking of asking you out today too."

"You were?" You asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Because I have a huge crush on you too." She confessed. "I like you a lot and I would love to go out with you."

It almost didn't seem real.

Part of you wondered if you had fallen asleep in class and you were dreaming this.

But the brush of her fingers across yours was much too real for it to be a dream.

Your heart leaped over her touch and you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"Okay! Does tonight work?"

"Absolutely." She said.

"Then tonight it is. I'll pick you up at eight. Dinner sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." She said and then grinned as you kissed her cheek softly.

And Taylor squealed as you walked out, beyond excited for tonight.

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