walking to school together (requested)

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You hurried to the front door as soon as you heard someone knocking on it.

"Coming!" You yelled out before peeking out the window to see who it was before you opened it.

And you just couldn't help the excited smile that tugged at your lips when you saw that it was your girlfriend.

You opened the door and threw your arms around her before leaning in to steal a kiss from her lips.

"Good morning to you too, baby." She said and smiled against your lips.

You pulled away with a giggle.

"I figured we'd walk to school together today."

"That sounds perfect. My parents already left for work anyways so let me just grab my things and lock up and then we can go."

"Sounds good. I'll be right here."

You nodded and she pecked your lips a couple of times before you stepped back inside the house.

You put your glass in the sink and grabbed your backpack from the living room before reaching for your keys.

Heading back outside, you saw Taylor still standing on your front porch as she waited patiently for you.

You pulled the door shut and locked the house up before slipping your key into your backpack.


"Yeah, I'm ready." You smiled before she took your hand into hers and walked down the steps with you.

The school was about a ten-minute walk from your house.

You had prepared yourself that you'd have to walk today since your parents had to leave earlier than usual for work today but you can't deny that you're much more excited about it now that you're walking there hand in hand with your girlfriend.

"How's your morning going, baby?" You asked her.

"Pretty good. I can't complain. It's a beautiful day and I'm with you." She said before kissing your cheek. "Everything is perfect."

"It is." You happily spoke before kissing her cheek, making an adorable giggle fall from her lips.

The birds were singing as you walked.

The sun was shining so bright already and the weather was gorgeous.

You just knew it was going to be such an amazing day; it's starting so amazingly already.

"I love mornings like these." She said as she looked around. "It's so pretty out and this is another way we get to spend time together."

"Me too. Maybe we should do this more often. We could make this a routine. The weather is changing so the mornings are going to be more like these from this point forward."

"I love that idea." She smiled. "More time with my favorite girl."

"Sounds so perfect." You excitedly replied.

Before long, the school came into sight and you groaned.

"We're almost there. Another long and exhausting day is almost about to begin."

Taylor squeezed your hand and you looked at her.

"How about we do something after school? We could go out for some food. Have a cute little date." She suggested. "That way we both have something to look forward to after a long and grueling day."

"I'd love that." You said and leaned in to kiss her cheek again, only for her to turn her head and steal one from your lips instead.

You giggled and put your arms around her as you kept kissing, unable to get enough of how perfect every brush of her lips always was.

Pulling away after a moment though, Taylor reminded you of where you both had to be and why you couldn't spend more time in these moments.

"We're going to be late if we don't get there soon."

"Alright," You sighed and playfully rolled your eyes, causing her to laugh.

You walked the rest of the way, making conversation and plans for later today together.

After a few minutes, you walked through the doors and then headed to your first classes, which were across from each other.

"I'll see you later." She said.

"Okay. After school, you're all mine." You reminded her and she kissed you softly.

"I'm all yours, always darling." She winked. "I love you. Have a good day."

"Love you too, baby." You said, still holding her hand. "And, just so you know, I'm all yours too, always."

Her blue eyes sparkled and you stole a quick kiss before the bell rang.

You made your way into the classroom, only to turn around to see her staring at you.

Blowing her a kiss, you watched her playfully catch it before you both headed into your classrooms, more than ready to get the day done and over with so you could be with each other again.

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