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"Say bye" Melissa tells Estela as the girl runs up to her dad.
"Bye bebe" Pablo says giving his daughter a quick kiss before standing up straight.
"Bye mi amor..I'll see you later" he says, blowing Melissa a kisses as she waves at him before he walks out the front door, locking it behind him.
Estela runs back to her mom, clinging onto her.
"Mama can we watch movie" she ask.
"Sure baby"
The two girls make their way to the living room.
Melissa placing Estela down on the couch before grabbing the remote and clicking on Disney plus and playing beauty and the best, knowing that this is what the young girl meant by "let's watch a movie"
The two year old cheers once the movie starts and her mother stands up telling her to not move and that she'll be right back before walking into the kitchen and cooking a plate of scrambled eggs as fast as she could before taking them to her daughter.
"Thank you mama" she smiles up at her mom.
Melissa smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind the little ones ear.
She admires her daughter as her eyes stayed glued to the TV. Only looking away so she could make sure she was picking up food.
Estela looked like Pablo. She had Pablo's hair color and type, his smile, she is a relatively quiet and affectionate kid just like him. She was basically a girl version of Pablo but with just blue eyes.
The first year of Estela's life was hard on the couple..not only where they only 16 and had no idea what to do, it also brought them a lot of arguments and nights where both of them couldn't even stand each other. one day they just woke up and everything felt like it was back to normal with each other though..and nothing but small normal arguments but rarely.
Melissa sits back on the couch, crossing her arms over her chest as she watches the movie and thinks about everything that has happened in the last 2 years.
Her mom and het dad had gotten a divorce because her dad was tired on how she kept treating their daughter and eventually they went fully contactless.
Her father on the other hand always made sure to see the small family at least once a week.
Pablo's family had been great at helping them out when they could.
Trying their best to make sure Melissa finished school and that Pablo stayed focus on training and school.
They did as must as possible without taking their responsibility away from them.
Her thoughts get cut off when she feels weight gets shifted onto her.
She glances down at Estela, who curled up against her moms side, wrapping her arms around Melissa's arm.
She smiles softly at the little girl. Her little angle.


"Amor?" Pablo's voice calls from the front of the house as he steps in.
Melissa exits the kitchen and make her way to the front of the house to see her boyfriend.
He was wearing the same clothes he left in, only his hair damp meaning he showered.
She walks over to him, holding her finger to her lips to make sure he wasn't too loud. "She's taking her nap"

Pablo frowns before looking at the time on his phone. "Nap time isn't until 1..it's 12:23?" He says look down at Melissa.
"She fell asleep watching TV" she shrugs beg wrapping her around around his torso, resting her head on his shoulder as his hands to to her waist, holding her close to him.

She tilts her head up at him, standing on her tiptoes so she could press a kiss to his lips without him bending down.
He hums against her soft lips. "You looks nice" he says before placing his lips back on her.
Melissa grins pulling away from the boy.
"I'm wearing leggings and a hoodie?" She comments as she grips his hand and leads him to the living room.
He shrugs sitting down, pulling her down with him so she sat on his lap.
"I don't care you look amazing." He smiles, turning her head to him then pressing their lips back together.
He slowly pushes her back on the couch, crawling ontop of her with removing their lips.
"Te amo" she mumbles again him.
"Yo Mas"

They made out for a few more moments before settling down on the coach cuddling. Pablo laying his head on Melissa's chest playing with his hair as they watch TV; enjoying their quality time together before their daughter woke up.
Pablo tilts his head upwards, placing small feathery kisses to the girls jaw as she cuddles him.
"What should we do for Estela's birthday?" Melissa asks breaking the silence they had.
Pablo presses one last kiss to her jaw, before moving his head back down to rest on her chest.
Her rubs small circles on her hip as he thinks for a second.
"We can do a party...invite our family and some of the team, you know she could make friends with some of the other kids" Pablo suggests.
"Or we can just go over to my parents house, just us and your dad like last year"
If Melissa was being completely she actually loved the idea of the team and their families coming over.
She thinks it would be good for Estela to make some friends.
"I'd love for the team to come..I haven't seen some of them in a long time and I think Estela will have a lot of fun with kids her age" she tells him.
A small smiles spreads on Pablo's face. Estela's 2nd birthday was 5 days away so they had enough time to plan a small party.
"Okay..I'll let the guys know" he tells her.
Silence takes over them again. Melissa continues to run her fingers through his hair.
"can we get carrot cake?" He blurts out, making Melissa chuckle.
"on your birthday, sure" she tells him.
"But she's two what does she know about cake" he mumbles.
Melissa laughs at her boyfriend.
"I'll go out and buy you a small carrot cake for us tomorrow while i shop for party things" she says to him, moving her hand down to his back as she slowly starts to scratch it.

A/n: 🫶🏼

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