Chapter 11 | Drama Queen

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"What did my fingers do before they held him? What did my heart do, with its love? " the // Sylvia Plath - "Three Women: A Poem for Three Voices" Collected Poems


I wake up to a hand on my stomach and a voice talking, I open my eyes and realized it was Ares talking to the Baby, he pulled his shirt up that I was wearing.

"Hey baby it's daddy. I love you and your mommy so much you don't even know, even though we only knew each other for 9 months I love her with all my heart. I can't wait till you come out, I waited all my life for a pup. Today We are going to tell everyone about you tonight at 7pm.We are going to see your grandma, since I never introduced her to Lana; I know sad right because I like hogging her all to myself. You don't have a grandpa since he passed away along time ago when he was fighting another pack. But I'm sure he'll love to see you If he was here  " Ares says to my stomach that has a little bump already showing

When did that get there?

Then I feel a kick where Ares's large hand was resting. A huge grin spreads on his face.

Ares never showed his soft side to others. He always had a tough cold look on his face.

"Good Morning Baby" I said stretching getting out of the bed

"Lana Be careful!" He glared at me and sat me back down on the bed

"Ares I'm not even that big yet Chill" I hiss at him getting back up to get do my normal morning routine

"She's going to be the death of me I swear" I hear Ares mutter to him self flopping onto the bed

"You know it" I holler back to him walking into the bathroom

I brush my teeth & turn on the shower and take my clothes off and step in. I was washing my hair with shampoo when a Naked Ares walks into the shower casually with me

" Hey Baby Girl" he says kissing me on the lips

"Um hey" I say confused, I wasn't uncomfortable because we've seen each other naked all the time

"Need help" he says and started washing my hair and body and I do the same but he had to bend down so I can do his hair.

"Thank you baby" I say kissing him with his hands on my ass. That's normal for him so I'm use to it.I turn the water off and get out and grab a towel. I do my hair and make up.

I put on An olive green bomber jacket,Black tee shirt, Black jeans, and Black boots since it's winter here ( it's actually not here in Cali). I put on light makeup.

Me and Ares was done at the same time, actually ares takes longer that me because he want his hair to be perfect.

We walk to the elevator and I press the elevator to the first floor to go to the kitchen. We walk in holding hands. I see a little 7 year old boy named Oliver struggling to hold a gallon of milk.

"Here let me do it Oliver" I tell him and I take it from his small hands and pour some milk into his bowl of coco puffs and put it back in the fridge.

"Thank you so much Luna" he smiled running off to his parents in the dining room where the rest of the kids and their parents were eating.

So we were alone in kitchen

"What do you want to eat for breakfast? " I asked looking into the fridge

"I know what I want for dessert" He tells me licking his lips making blush

"Get me a pickle and Nutella" I tell him walking away from the fridge and jumping on one of the stools in the island in the middle of the kitchen

"You have legs!" He snorts at me

"You have a penis that got me pregnant" I snap back making him sigh

"It takes two to have a baby"

"But I'm having the baby"

Ares sighs before opening the cabinet and getting them. He gives me the pickle and Nutella. I dip the pickle into the Nutella and bite it.

I moan as I bit into is and then i hear my wolf tell me "I think Ares and Axel Is grossed out"

I look up to Ares looking sick

"I think I'm going to be sick" Ares Gags

"Drama Queen" I say under my breath

"While you eat.. whatever that is I'm going to eat eggs" Ares says cooking eggs

As soon as I smell the eggs I sprint to the bathroom and start vomiting. Ares gets their quickly and holds my hair back and rubs my back

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned

"Yeah, it's just the smell of eggs"

When he's done eating we walk into the dining room filled with pack members and Ares clears his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Tonight at 7 we are having a party" he announced before walking away pulling my hand with him, I wave at everyone smiling saying goodbye.

We walk to his Black Jeep outside

"How much cars do you have"

"I forgot" he says casually and lifts me into the passenger seat and putting my seat belt on like I was a child.

He gets in and drives to a cozy cottage about half an hour away. In front of the door is a door mat saying "Chances".

Yup we are at the right house.

Ares knocks on the door and it instantly opens and I see a women in her late 40's who had the same nose and hair color as Ares. I guess it's his mom. Her eyes lit up when she realizes it's us, she pulls us into the cottage out of the cold

"Oh my god it's this Lana. You look more beautiful up close. Last time I saw you I was on the stage so I couldn't really see you. And this guy kept hogging you all day" She squealed hugging me tightly

His mother sat us down on at a table and gave us lemonade. His mom showed me pictures of Ares when he was younger and talked about old stories about him. We all laughed a lot, they felt like my own parents.

Then it was time for us to leave, because I needed to get ready for the party.

"I think she loved you" Ares said resting his hand on my growing bump that you can barely see with my clothes

"And i love you two" he says bending down to kiss me, because of my heights

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