Chapter 15 | you dumb pizza roll

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Lana Hudson;

Gerald was spooning me on his bed rubbing my stomach. The baby would always kick, but whenever Gerald touched me, the baby would stop. It would make me happy because they know who their daddy is

I couldn't sleep I look at the alarm clock on the table next to me see it say

3:16 am

I was craving Oranges and Oreos. This baby always wants Oreos I swear.

I try to get up but I was quickly taken down back on the bed. Gerald was pinning me to the bed

"Are you trying to leave me" he yelled in my face making me whince

My eyes started to fill with tears "no I'm just craving again"

He lets go of me and gives me a suspicious look before nodding

I quickly waddle down the stairs carefully to the kitchen. He was probably looking at me through the cameras set up around the Cabin. I act like I don't know about them tho.

I sit on the counter peeling an orange and eating it while also stuffing my face with Oreos. Then all the sudden the front door breaks down

"What the fuck" I mumble watching in awe as I see  five wolves come bursting into the Large cabin

I quickly hide in a closet eating the package of Oreos.

I hear Gerald running down the stairs " Lana you dumb pizza roll what did you do?!"!

I roll my eyes he blames for everything.

Oh yeah I'm so responsible for 5 wolves bursting through the door.

I choke on a cookie. I am a dumb pizza roll, this is the black spade pack.

My Ares is here.

I quickly get out of the closet "Almost forgot these" I grab the Oreos

I open the door to see Ares standing over a dead Gerald. He didn't even notice me. Man he looks hot with that stubble. He looks better than the Oreos .Oh god the hormones.

"I'd have a piece of that too" Nikki says in the back of my head"

"Ares" I whisper softly

He slowly looked up before spotting me standing there looking at him. He runs to me with unhuman speed. I drop my Oreos and he picks me up and spins me around kissing me. It felt wonderful to feel my mates lips again.

He puts me down and his mouth drops

"You got bigger" his jaw drops

"It's probably the Oreos, I eat good" I say rubbing my stomach

"No, the baby" he puts his hands on my stomach and the baby kicks, tears ran down his face

"I can't believe I found you two, I was going insane for 2 months" he says kissing all over my face

I hear a cough behind me and I turn to see Jake, Will, Steven and Blaine.My eyes got big

"I missed you guys" I waddle/ run to them and we got to a big hug. I start crying tears of joy

"Babe what's wrong did they hug you too hard" Ares says panicked checking me all over

"No it's the hormones, lets just go" he picks me up

"What about Gerald's body" Blaine says pointing to his bloody body

"Just leave it" Will says shrugging

"This is a nice Cabin tho" I comment

"I know right" Jake says eating some of my Oreos

| Next day // 9:48 am

I wake up realizing Ares isn't there so I guessed he is probably downstairs. So I go to put on a blue v neck put it wouldn't go all the way down my stomach. I huffed in annoyance and went to to put on Ares's red V neck. I put on leggings knowing my pants won't fit me and put on white vans

When I got into the elevator I realized I should use the stairs for the first time ever here. I press the 2nd floor and get out. I get out and penguin waddle down the stairs slowly. I trip on the last step, I hold my stomach protectively waiting for the fall.

But it never comes. I look up to see Steven

"Damn Lana you have to be careful. I see your stomach and boobs got bigger" he says winking making me blush

Ares came out of no where and flipped him off and brought me too the dining table
Ares and I are sitting at the dining table with his mom talking. I was Eating sausage and grits(everybody say sausage keep it going! Sorry I had to)

"So do you guys know the gender" His mom asked eating Cheerios

"No, we want it to be a surprise" he says looking at me

"When are you do?"

"In about 2-3 weeks" I tell her rubbing my stomach softly

We talked about other random things and the baby then Ares and I decided to go and shop for the baby

We went and bought A crib, bottles, a breast pump, pacifiers and stuff like that

We then entered Carters hand in hand and started picking out clothes

"What colors are we getting?" He asked

"Colors for girls and boys, but it would probably be a girl so.. pink and stuff like that" I think walking away to the girls section

He pulls my arm back "no no no it's going to be a boy" he states





We argued in the store, earning strange looks from strangers

"We will just get white, beige, blue, and black stuff okay. and when the baby arrives we will get more clothes and shoes" he tells me

I nod agreeing with him. We bought a ton of clothes probably more than the baby should need. Then Ares said had to go the bathroom, so gave me his credit card to pay

"Aw how far along are you?" The elderly cashier asked kindly

I could smell she was human

"Oh 6 months" I say because she's human when I'm actually 4 months

"You look awfully young are you married"

I look down embarrassed " I'm 22 and I'm not"

"Oh ok" she says awkwardly looking at me different while putting the clothes in bags. Ares finally came back and helped me with bags Into the car

The whole ride home I was silent until Ares stopped the car to the side of the road. He keeps trying to make a conversation with me but I'm not replying

"Why aren't you talking to me?!"

My eyes started getting glassy, "because It was so embarrassing in there! The old lady asked me if I was married and was saying I was "too awfully young" I'm so embarrassed" I say crying into my hands

He shushes me and holds me to his chest "I was going to wait for tonight but I guess I'll do it now" he pulls out a box

"Lana May Hudson, I remember when we met a year and half ago. You trusted and believed in me when no one would; Your the most beautiful person ever and remember when we played 20 questions when we first me waking to my room. And you told me your full name and I told you it was going to change soon. Well I want to change it you Chance. I'm so happy your the one to carry my child. Will you Marry me?"

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