Chapter 22 | Vacation

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Lana Chance;

"Where's the bathroom?!" I say frustrated speed walking all over the target

Ares and I went to Target for clothes and baby stuff. We decided to use Cole's old Crib and changing table for our baby girl.

"Didn't you just go before we left" he whines chasing after me

"You try being pregnant! You pee like every 5 seconds"

"There it is!" I yell running/waddle to the bathroom aka heaven

"Babe I'll be by the Baby clothes" Ares says

I finish my business and wash my hands and exit.

"Ooh Cookies" I say taking 3 boxes and start walking to the baby clothes where Ares was

"Ares look what I've got" I say walking up to him

But he wasn't alone

He was with a tall red head girl, I would have been fine with him talking to her but he was hugging her and he was kissing the top of her head

"Really" I whisper tears run down my face; Ares quickly looks at me his eyes widen and pushes the girl away from him

" You are cheating on your pregnant wife! We have a child with together. I give you everything you want in life; I give you my heart. I trusted you from the beginning when no one wouldn't. This is how you repay me. They were right you are a monster " I scream throwing the boxes of cookies at him

I didn't care that people stared at me

" Babe I ca-" I cut him off by slapping him

"No asshole!" I walk away

He tried to grab my arm," don't touch me! I, Lana Hudson reject you Ares Chance"

He falls to his knees holding his chest, his eyes start to water, "W-what"

I start to strut away from him and enter the ice cream isle and grab 3 containers and go to the check out

"Hello Luna" the checkout man greets me smiling at me

"I'm not Luna anymore" I say bluntly giving him Ares's card

"Oh okay" he says awkwardly not sure what to do.

"Have a good day" he gives me the card and the ice cream

I go outside and pick up a rock and walk to Ares's car and scratch the car with it and wrote


I start walking to the pack house, pack member looked at me with pity

Guess the word spread fast

I looked like shit too, i had the panda eyes

Once I get there I put the ice cream in the freezer and go upstairs

I pull out 2 luggages and start throwing all my clothes and stuff in there

"Mommy what are you doing" Cole asked walking into the room rubbing his eyes, probably woke up

He looked so much like his father, my heart ached just looking at him

" We are leaving " I tell him

" What about Daddy"

" he's not coming with us baby" I tell him walking into his room and start to pack his clothes into a bag

" are we going on a vacation?" He ask smiling

"Yeah a very long one" 

I go back into Ares's room and write a letter;

Dear Ares,

I still love you and I know you love me, but did you really have to cheat on me.  I will always remember you and how we were perfect for each other. We may have had our ups and downs but that's life. You are funny, loving, and protective. We have a beautiful child together and will have another one. Hope you have a good life. Tell Jake and Annabel that I love them, and their baby girl.


Lana Hudson aka Shorty

I grab my two luggages and tell Cole to grab his bag and to follow me

We go to the garage and I get the keys for the all black Range Rover and put both of our bags in the trunk an help Cole into the car

I back out and I quickly speed away from the pack house

// Ares Chance //

I fucked up

Fucked up really bad

" yeah no shit" my wolf says

Why does he only talk to me when I fuck up

I was probably standing in the middle of the baby clothes for 10 minutes

" I can't believe she rejected me "

My heart is broken, I still loved her tho


" no she didn't " I mutter to my self shaking my head

On my car it said


I'll deal with it later I just have to go get Lana back and explain to her what happened

I speed to the pack house

I see blue and red lights; a cop fuck

" Sir do you know how fast you were going?" He says

Good he's in my pack


"Oh my god alpha I didn't know it was you! You can go" he says, so I speed to the house

I quickly park the car in the garage. Something seemed off.

One of the cars where missing. Oh no.

I run inside, " Lana! "

I go to the elevator and start pushing the top bottom fast "come on, come on"

It finally arrived to the top floor and I run to my room to see most of the stuff in the room is gone

"No, No,No" I whisper to myself

I check in Cole's room, his clothes and stuff were gone , then I saw a letter on the bed

I grab it and read it

I read it over and over

" Fuck! "

I start throwing things; I can't take it

" woah man what the hell " Jake and Annabel come into my room

"They left " I whisper

" who?" Jake ask

"Lana and cole"

" why?" Annabel say with tears in her eyes

" she saw me hugging my cousin, Dae at target and thought I was cheating on her"

I continue, " Then she scratched my car and took cole with her somewhere"

We all started crying

"Woah what the hell is everyone crying?" Blaine ask walking in with Will and Matt

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