Chapter 20 | get him tiger

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| 3 months later

Luna Lana Chance;

Me and the other female pack members where in the kitchen making lunch. We were talking about the latest gossip and they were all touching my stomach.

Oh yeah, and we found out we were having a girl. We had her room set up next across from Cole's room. (Cole is 2 now) And the day after my wedding Annabel, my best friend, Jakes mate was pregnant with a girl

I watched outside as Ares played with our 2 year old son outside. He look just like Ares but he had my Dark Hair.

"Lana" I hear behind me

I turn around to see Annabel, "do want to go to target and get some snacks"


I grab my purse and we both 'waddle' to the front door we were stopped by two voices

"Where you going"

We turn around slowly. Standing there is Jake and Ares, who was carrying Cole

"Mama" cole says waving at me, smiling

"Hi cole" I say kissing his cheek, making him squeal in laughter

"We are just going to Target to get food" Annabel says looking down

"Again" Jake says

"Are you calling me fat!" We both yell

Ares and jakes eyes widen looking scared, Even cole looked scared

We both started crying fake tears " Jake, i thought we were homies, and you call us fat"
I says with "tears" in my eyes

"Ares! I thought you know better!" Annabel says "crying"

"Fine you guys can go" we start cheering "but you have to bring will and Blaine"

"Uh fine" I say

"Will and Blaine come here!" Ares yells in his Alpha tone

Will and Blaine come in drinking a dr.pepper and Blaine texting on his phone.

"You two are going to target with them, if I see any scratches or marks on their body your dead" Jake says his eyes turning black

"Ok" and we follow them out the door

We jump into the back of the Range Rover and Blaine and Will are in the front. When we get there we get two carts. Blaine and Will push the carts following us.

"Mate" I turn around to see Will kissing a guy with Blonde hair wearing a red shirt. Guess he works here.

Me and Annabel drop the chocolate in our arms. Blaine's eyes were wide open in shock

Me and Annabel start squealing in happiness and start hugging each other, which was kinda hard because of our large bellies.

"Congrats man" Blaine says hugging Will, making Will's mate growl

"Will I can't believe you found your mate!" I say hugging him and his mate

"Especially in target" Annabel says laughing

"You found Jake in Taco Bell tho" Blaine says laughing

"I guess you can say I have 2 yummy things that day" she say licking her lips

"What's your name" I ask Will's mate

"Matt Johnson" he answered me

"Come let's hurry my feet are starting to hurt and I'm hungry" Annabel whines

We quickly get different types of foods and baby clothes.

Now we are at the cashier and I'm fighting Blaine.

"No Lana I'll pay" he growled with his teeth clenched

"No, as your luna you will listen to me" I hiss at him

"Yeah since your my luna, I'll treat you like a queen" he say

The cashier looked uncomfortable

"You really going to fight a pregnant women right now Blaine" I snapped

"Your holding up the line" Matt whines

"Hold my purse" I throwmy bag at Will

"Square up Blaine" I yell bumping into him

Blaine was going to say something but was interrupted

"I'll pay" Annabel insisted taking money out of her bra

The cashier bagged our stuff and we put it into our two carts. As we were walking to the car, i asked Matt

" Matt, how come I haven't seen you before" i asked him

"Because my pack kicked me out a week ago, because I told them I was gay" he says sadly

Will grabs his hand and kissed him

"Awe" me and Annabel say

"You can stay in the pack house and stay in Will's room"I exclaimed

"Thank you luna"

We put the bags in the car and go to the pack house. And when we arrived home Matt and Will went somewhere. We brought the bags into the kitchen where Ares was feeding Cole.

When he saw me and Annabel carrying 4 bags he quickly got up and took it out of our hands

"You guys are pregnant you can't be carrying heavy stuff" he scolds

Ever since he found of Annabel was pregnant too he started getting protective of her too.

We roll out eyes and we walk too cole and we start playing with him and finish feeding him

Ares starts talking to Jake and it gets quite

"Why do I smell a male on you guys" Jake whispered squinting his eyes at us

"Oh Will found his mate today at target" Annabel says messing with Cole's hair

"Oh who is she" ares asked suprised

"You mean 'who is he'" I say wiped Coles face with a rag

Jake spits his water out wetting three of us

"Yay" Cole says clapping

"Will get over here" Ares yells to him

Will comes in with his shirt unbuttoned and his hair messed up make me whistle that caused him to blush

"You found your mate!" Ares says hugging Will and Jake hugs him

"Congrats bro" Jake tells him

"Where's Matt" I ask

"He's in my room waiting for me" he says blushing

"Get him tiger" Annabel yells

"Bye uncle will" Cole says waving

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