chapter 12

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I couldn't see Harry tonight because Jace and I had to visit his friend Josh. Two days ago, he turned 32, but he celebrated it tonight with friends and family. Of course, Josh decided to have a barbecue on his birthday since his wife had gifted him a new one - he called himself the barbecue king.

We stepped out of the car, and I could already hear laughter coming from their backyard. As we ventured into the lively gathering hand in hand, Josh spotted us instantly.

"Finally! Jesus Christ, you guys took forever!" Josh exclaimed, walking to us with open arms.

"Traffic was a hassle," Jace said as we met him halfway. "Happy birthday, brother," he said while hugging Josh.

"Happy birthday to you, Josh," I told him when it was my turn to embrace him.

"Thank you. I'm glad you could make it too, Ivy," Josh spoke.

"I wouldn't want to miss your famous hamburgers," I said. "Plus, it's always fun to see you again," I added playfully.

"Are you trying to flirt with me, Mitchells?" Josh asked as he gave me a wink.

"As long as Sarah doesn't see it, I might," I commented, and we smiled at each other.

"Well, she is cutting the vegetables in the kitchen, so you can shoot your shot," Dean joined our conversation. "Hello, Ivy."

"Dean," I said as he planted a kiss on my cheek before he wrapped his arms around me. "Isn't Josh supposed to keep an eye on the meat?" I pointed at the horrendous apron Dean was wearing, which was obviously meant for Josh.

"He has turned 32, which makes him old. We got to protect our elders," Dean explained jokingly.

Josh heard him and gave him a slap against the head. "Then start showing some respect, too," he stated.

"Yes, sir!" Dean answered. "Well, I've got to go back to his barbecue. Talk to you later?"

"Absolutely. I will have a look at your grilling technique."

"You're making me nervous already, Ivy," Dean expressed dramatically. "Jace! You're coming with me. I need a helping hand," he demanded Jace to come with, which I was happy with. Jace wouldn't be my concern anymore.

"Do you want anything to drink, Ivy?" Josh asked me, bringing me back to him.

"Yes, please," I replied, and I followed him. "Did you do anything on your birthday?"

"Yeah, Sarah took me out for dinner, and then we stayed at a hotel a few hours away from here. We kept it quite simple, but it was perfect. We had a really good time." Josh grabbed two bottles of beer for us.

"I'm glad you had fun," I said when he handed me the drink. "And what about Thanksgiving?"

"My parents came over, but we didn't want to go all out. We still need to unpack a lot of boxes and sell Sarah's old furniture."

"How's everything been since she moved in?" I wondered. I took a sip of the beer, which was refreshing.

"It feels natural, you know? We have been married for almost three years now, but always lived separately. I didn't want her to give up on her job and apartment in New York, which she loved dearly. But now that she doesn't have to go away, we can relax. We don't have to worry about her going back to the airport on time or packing her stuff the night before."

"I bet it's less complicated."

"It is, but I know that Sarah still needs to get used to it. She's having a couple of job interviews next week, so I hope she finds something that suits her."

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