Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader

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SBIx hybrid!reader

Genre: Angst

Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??

I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.



Why is everything dark?

I-Why can't I see?!

Why can't I move my wings?!

Dad! Help me, I'm scared!



"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.



"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.

"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.

Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.



"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.

You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.



"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.

Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.

"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."



"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.


Why is everything dark?

I-Why can't I see?!

Why can't I move my wings?!

Dad! Help me, I'm scared!

Why is no one there?

Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?

My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.

"Wasting your time

You're wasting mine

I hate to see you leaving

A fate worse than dying

Your city gave me asthma

So that's why I'm fucking leaving."

While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.

I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.


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