Techno x Reader

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Techno was going crazy.
No one had heard or seen you for two weeks. You told him you were going to visit the nearby village and that you'd be back in a few days. For the first few days, Techno and you chatted consistently through your communicators. But then you stopped responding to his messages.
After two days with no response, Techno himself made his way to the village to search for you. You're not there. The villagers tell him that you had got what you went there for but that you had left a few days prior. With this information, Techno calculates that your messages stopped when you got about halfway back home.
He thanks the villagers before heading back out. He heads to the main area of the SMP and asks around. He literally questions everyone as to whether or not they've seen you.
It's no's at every turn.
It takes everything Techno has to hold himself back. To not storm into each and everyone's home and property and tear it apart in search of you. He does force his way inside everyone's home to "talk" to them. Most people just let him in and do what he needs, well aware of the situation and the worries at hand.
Especially with the upcoming plan.
Techno forgot about the plan. Forgot about the help that his younger brother was soon going to need as he and Tubbo came to face Dream in what was being referred to as 'the final showdown.' He has to be there to help take down Dream. He's the best PVPer on the SMP, he knows that, everyone knows that. He's the Blood God after all. He takes care of those he loves, would go to the ends of the earth to protect them, and Tommy needed protecting.
The choice for him was hard. Techno knew that while everyone was busy with Dream, he could do a more thorough search through everything to try and find you. But he also knew he needed to be there to protect his brother. His baby brother that was on his last cannon life that Techno knew Dream would do anything to take.
It tore him up inside ,which in turn caused him to tear things up. The house looked like a tornado went through it. Techno had been spiraling the night before the final battle. He was angry. Angry at you for not coming home or answering his messages, angry at himself for not being able to find you and make sure you were safe. Angry at not being able to protect you and take care of you. Angry that he let you go by yourself even though you very clearly wanted him to come with you. Angry that he can't find you and that no one knew where you were. Angry that he had made a promise to his little brother and that he had to be at the final battle instead of out searching for you.
All of that anger built up inside of him and burst. The outcome was his knocking chests over, spilling their contents onto the ground. The paintings on the walls were slightly crooked and torn due to his rampage. The furniture was misplaced and books were strewn about the room.
Heavy breaths racked his chest as his ruby eyes scanned the destroyed rooms. A heavy weight sat in his heart and his stomach. Guilt quickly replaced the anger inside him as he collapsed to his knees. His hands reach out and connect with the ground in order to steady himself. His fingers clutch at a fabric spilled from one of the chests.
It's your old cape. The one you wore before you stole his cape. It looked better on you anyway. Techno brings the cape up to him and nuzzles his face into the fabric, trying to find a slight bit of comfort in it. It still smells like you. Being tucked away for so long hadn't let it lose the piece of you that usually clings to the fabrics you wear.
Your scent calmed him, only slightly though. He still felt guilty, but with this small piece of fabric, he could pretend you were here, tucked into him, safe.

It was cold.
Being underground, surrounded by obsidian, trapped in a hole by iron bars made things cold. You were exhausted. You weren't sure how long you'd been there. Been in Dream's collection room. Dream had explained it to you when you woke up. You were the most important thing to Techno, the only thing he was attached to.
You tried to call out for him. You first thought you were somewhere near the SMP, hoping either he would hear you or someone else would hear you and tell him... then Dream told you where you were. It didn't stop you calling out for him though. You called for him until your throat was raw and sore. But even after, you were stubborn in your resolve. Telling Dream that he would never get away with this.
"That's the thing my dear... I already have. No one has seen you since you left the village. No one knows what happened to you and no one knows where you are. You simply... have disappeared."
His words hurt you. They worried you. He was right. He had kidnapped you while you were on your way back from the village. He had your communicator. You were gone. No one knew where you were. Did they even care you were gone? You tried to hold up your resolve, but Dream's words hit your head hard, and he knew it. The blond simply smirked after watching you for a moment before walking away and leaving you to your spiraling thoughts.
You were exhausted. Your mind was tired, your emotions depleted, your body sore. Everything hurt. You missed Techno more than anything. Your heart ached more and more with each passing day. Did they even care or notice you were gone? Did Techno miss you too? Was he looking for you?
A voice broke you out of your thoughts. For a moment you thought it to be Dream, coming back to taunt you more... But it wasn't. It was a familiar voice, one you hadn't heard in a while. But you would be able to tell who that voice belonged to anywhere.
It was Tommy.
Why is Tommy here?
You manage to make it to your feet and stumble forward, catching yourself on the iron bars. You pressed your cheek against them and looked out as far as you could. You could make out three bodies there. Tommy, Dream... and... Tubbo. The third seemed to be Tubbo.
Why? Why were they here? What is going on?
The three then turned and began walking toward you. As they drew closer, you could hear Dream giving the boys the same spiel he had given you about the server's attachments. The things people cared about more than anything.
"Tommy! Tubbo!" You couldn't help but croak out, your hand reaching out of the cell.
"Y/N!" The boys both scream in unison, racing toward you. Tommy's hand grabs yours and you almost cry at the warm contact. You've been in here for what felt like forever. You hadn't had any friendly touch, let alone any warmth. It felt nice to be seen as a friend again and to see a friend.
Before any of you can say anything, Dream's hands clamp on the shoulders of the two boys and rip them away from you. A dry sob escapes your throat at the loss of contact. "No touching." Dream barks, forcing them back down the hall and away from you.
"Please," you beg, wanting just a bit longer to be with them. But Dream ignores you and continues to walk away. Tommy and Tubbo try to fight, to turn around and come back to you, but they can't. Dream's grip is too tight and too strong.
You're left all alone yet again. Small tears begin to stream down your cheeks as you back up again, your back hitting the wall, and sliding down to a sitting position. You can vaguely hear what's going on in the other room, but not very well. Everything seems so far away. To get a glimpse of the outside world through another person only to have it ripped away from you just as you get a taste takes a toll on a person, especially one as exhausted as you.
You're zoned out for the most part, just hoping Tommy and Tubbo would be okay. You're suddenly brought back to reality though when a lot of footsteps and voices joined you in the underground. It was hard, but once again you manage to stand up and brace yourself against the iron bars. Pressing your cheek to the cool metal, you let out a gasp as you can see everyone. It's everyone. Everyone in the SMP was there.
Your eyes scanned the crowd and caught on the familiar pink hair of your boyfriend. You could sob. If you weren't so exhausted you would be already. He had come for you. He was there. Techno was there.
You couldn't exactly tell what was going on, but you didn't care. Your heart soared as mostly everyone turned around to face the collections hall and begin making their way down it.
Puffy led the pack and was the first to see you. A gasp ripped from her throat as her eyes met yours. Heads turn to look toward her and more gasps sounded in the room. "Y/N," the Captain breathes out just above a whisper.
You're about to respond when another voice interrupts you. "Y/N?" Techno shoves his way to the front, pushing people out of the way, not caring enough to ask them to move. He comes to a full stop in front of you and stares at you with wide eyes.
"Hi," you croak out.
Techno takes a step back and you're hurt. Why is he moving away from you? Does he not want you anymore? Why would he–
Your thoughts are cut off by the sound of iron breaking. Something that would typically take four or five swings, is broken in just one by your boyfriend Techno. The bars are gone. You're free. Techno tosses the pickaxe back into his inventory and stalks forward. Before you can do or say anything, you're being pressed into Techno's chest.
The warmth from him immediately seeps into your skin and floods through your whole body. Techno always tends to run hot, being part piglin does that, but you've never been more thankful for it than right now. You nuzzle your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly.
He holds you the same way. Techno is scared that if you were to pull away, you would disappear again. That he would be alone again. He doesn't want to be without you. Techno presses you close to his chest, and presses his face into the top of your head. His lips give your head sweet kisses as he revels in the fact that you're safe now. You're safe with him.
You two are hugging like that for a while, but all too soon it's time to go. You want to get home, change clothes, get something to eat, and fall asleep next to your lover. Techno lets go of the hug, but immediately grabs your hand and leads you out of the cell. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you tightly to his side. The two of you walk out into the main room together... Just in time to see Dream being led away by Sam.
Dream smirks at the sight of you. "You know... of all of the attachments I gathered, I've got to say, collecting them was my favorite. The others didn't know what was happening. Being inanimate or an animal... A pet. But they were your pet. They could talk. And oh boy did they talk."
Techno's jaw clenched as Dream spoke. He just wanted the green clad bastard to shut up and go to prison, but he just kept talking. "They called for you. Their screams echoed off of the obsidian, begging for you to come save them but you never showed... Do you want to know?"
Techno knew he shouldn't get involved, shouldn't respond and give him what he wanted, but he couldn't help himself. "Know what?"
"Do you want to know exactly how long it took for them to stop calling for you? Do you want to know the exact moment they gave up ever seeing you again? Do you want to know the exact second they became mine to control instead of yours to love?"
Techno's jaw clenched even harder. He saw red. Without realizing it, he left your side. His arm unwrapped from around you, causing you to protest and try to hold on to him, but he was too far gone. Techno marched forward, drew his fist back, and punched Dream square in the face. The smirk from Dream's lips fell as Techno's punches began rolling in faster and harder.
Techno was livid. Livid that Dream could even think that for a moment that he had any say over you and what you did. That you were anything other than the one he loves and the one that loves him. You were his. No one else's. His.
Sam was the one to pull Techno off, but he fought it. Dream just lost two cannon lives, Techno wanted to take the third. Techno fought against Sam tooth and nail, trying desperately to continue. It's not until he feels a gentle hand on his arm does he stop. The touch is familiar, one he's been missing for weeks now.
It's yours.
He stops fighting the creeper hybrid and turns to you. Your big, watery eyes meet his and he immediately feels all the anger leave his body. The voices that were screaming to kill a moment ago suddenly switch their tune, telling him to protect you, take care of you, wrap you in his arms and not let go until you got home.
That's just what he does.
Without another word, Techno scoops you into his arms bridal style. He then walks to the portal and with a small nod to the rest of the group, disappears into the nether. You're in his arms the entire journey through the nether and the nether portal near your guys' shared home. The warmth of the hug paired with the warmth of Techno's body fills your whole body and causes your toes to curl.
The tundra is freezing and immediately depletes a lot of the warmth you had just gained, but Techno is quick to wrap his cape around you and make haste to get you inside. The house is still a mess, you're about to ask why when you catch sight of the paintings that were torn by his hand, and you immediately understand. So you choose to say nothing and just enjoy when Techno carries you into your room.
He sets you down and helps you change into clean and warm clothes before helping you crawl into bed. Techno wraps the two of you up in the blankets before pulling you close to him. Your head and hands rest on his chest while his arms wrap around you and rest on your back. Soft patterns are traced on your back, lulling you to sleep.
"I love you. I love you so much. You're not going anywhere without me ever again."
You know that that's physically impossible and that there would be times he wouldn't be able to go with you, but right now that didn't matter. You nod against his chest. "I love you too. Please don't leave me."
"I won't, my love. I'm right here."
You let out a small sigh and sink into him even more at the comforting words. The past couple of weeks exhaustion wash over you and you fall asleep before you know it.
Techno stays awake for longer though. He stays awake and just watches you. His eyes study your face and his arms tighten around you. You're here. You're in his arms. You're safe. He repeats that mantra to himself over and over again as he looks you over.
Finally he decides he's too tired to stay awake, the past two weeks also having taken a huge toll on his mental and physical health. Techno's arms wrap around you a bit tighter and hold you a bit closer. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead and then your head before settling in for the night. His eyes close and he takes a deep breath in through his nose, inhaling your scent which makes him relax even more.
"You're safe. I've got you... You're mine. I've got you."

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