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With a sense of anticipation and excitement, I took out my phone and composed a text message to Ella. This was the moment we had been planning for, the perfect opportunity to set the stage for Jake to confess his true feelings to Sophia. The music room, after hours, provided the ideal backdrop for a heartfelt conversation & performance.

I typed out the message: "bring Sophia to the music room at 7pm." With a quick glance over the words, I pressed send, feeling a surge of eagerness for what was to come.

Ella's swift response appeared on my screen: "on it babe." Her enthusiasm mirrored my own, and I couldn't help but smile. We were working together to create a special moment for our friends, a chance for Jake to finally express the emotions he had been holding onto.

Turning to Jake, who was nearby, I gave him a reassuring nod. "It's all set," I told him, my voice carrying a sense of anticipation.

His eyes met mine, a mixture of gratitude and nervousness evident in his gaze. "Thanks, Alex. I really appreciate this."

I clapped him on the shoulder, offering a supportive smile. "No problem, mate. This is your moment, and we're here to make it unforgettable."

As the hours ticked by and evening approached, I could feel the excitement building. The music room would become the canvas upon which Jake would paint his feelings, and I couldn't wait to see how it all unfolded. With Ella's assistance and a touch of careful planning, we were creating the perfect environment for Jake and Sophia to have a genuine and heartfelt conversation.

As the clock neared 7pm, I exchanged a knowing look with Ella, a silent confirmation that everything was in place. The small stage was set, the scene was ready, and it was time for Jake to take that leap and finally tell Sophia how he felt.

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