walking home ichigo stopped me ,"come with me,"he said dragging me along, we end up in the park,"what are you?",

"a person." i said,

" no your not tell me,", i slammed a punch in to his gut and he feel to the ground dry reaching,

"throwing up will make it worse." i said walking off,

i got home and study, the next morning i got up and went to school i saw sado on the side of the street, i went over to him and started to heal his back, but the wound was to big, "please help him." the brid said,

" you can talk." ,

" yeah i can.",

"i will ill take him to the clince ," i pick sado up lent him on my shoulder and took him to the Kurosaki clince,

"God your heavy." I panted.

I got him there and places him on the couch, Ichigos dad came out, "I found him on the side walk,",

"right ill take him." he said

I left with the talking bird, "leave me on the side there's a monster after me your life is in danger around me, "he bird said,

"right I deal with monster . i will handle it now let me deal with this hollow," I said shooting the hollow in the mask destroying it,

"own wow your strong,",

"thank you but it wasn't worth breaking a sweat, no point in releasing my Zanpkotu,"I said to took it into my house and study Ichigo came banging on the door,

with ruika, "hello?"I said,

"can we have the bird?"Ichigo said.

"no. "I reply got thing my mind erases worked those two don't have a clue,

"please give use the Bird we will use forces if necessary,"rukia said,

"try it, "I smiled.

"all right then Ichigo let's go." she growl,

"a soul reaper with no powers and a sub this could be fun." I smiled at them,

"how do you know that, "rukia said dumb like .

I smiled and shut the door . I popped my mod soul in and play cards , my mum and dad rang from the soul soity demonstion,"your out of your gegui. ",

"I need help rehearing lines. "I smiled,

" nothing else,",

"no I probably be in out of it coz I get board ,",

"okay then, well be back tomorrow night.",

"okay. love you.",

"love you bye", I hang up the phone,

"hollow ?"my gegai said,

"let the others deal with it, I want to win this game,". in the morning I got into my Geigu and sado was at the door,

"you have my parkedet.",

"would you like some breakfast?",

"no. "he said then his stomach growls,

"care to refazed that, ",

"yes, " I just give him the left over pan cakes he ate them silently,

"can I have my brid ,",

"do you here it talking? ",

"you here it to.",

"yes. I'm going to slove its problem today,"I said,

"can I join you? ",

"sure.". so I got out of my body and my  back up soul took places.

I walked round with sado me and the bird , the what to you know the hollow hits my gegi and its spits the pill out, "soul reaper." it cackled at me

rukia got be hide it trying to kill it, then sado started taking a swing at it, I got Back into my body and grab the pill on the side walk I don't think rukia saw me , I lay still Mumbling the enhancement behind the hido no.4 then I stirke blowing it down the street, I went over and start healing rukia and sado with a time reversely by because its easier the healing, "why are you helping." she said confused,

"I made a promise to the bird and I don't Think we should be enemys do you?" I asked her Focusing on the hollow ,

"no I think we should be allies,",

"sorry for being a bitch yesterday.",

"all is for given."I took out my candy and popped it in,

"me heal, "I order myself ,

"your a soul reaper?"rukia said,

"let's say that then. " I sighed at her,

my uniform was different in little ways but I didn't care, I reached out and grab my Zanpukto and started going at the hollow then Ichigo jumped in and we fight in sync then killed the hollow . the hell gates opened and sucked it in. then Ichigo turned to me "your a soul reaper?",


"why are you dressed like one?",

"my uniform different.",

"gloves and the Dark blue lines.",

"what do you know your right, ",

"your Zanpukto is pretty little,",

"you really want to battle me?" I question him,

"no I don't." he replied,

"you can handle sado and the bird, I'm off home, came on GG."I said to myself,

we unsummon my sword and got back into my body. I got home just before my parents, I looked like I was studying

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