back at ichigos house ,it feels good to be back in the human world two days left of our summer holiday, crap thing was me and ichigo where stuck doing home work, so I had my geigi do it while I was gone sad thing is shes smarter then me, so I deal to the hollow why ichigo was stuck.

I went to get the mail and I find my parest life insurance came in, I opened it the amount was large, I could pay for univety 10 times over, but I need to find apartment now, ichigo dad jumped me in his soul reaper form,"your not moving out!" he yelled,

"okay I get the point."i said,

he took the cheak, "your not getting this to you graduate from high school." he said stuffing it in his kimio.

"god sake." I muttered,

he smiled and disappeared back into his body, I head to uraharas shop because he wanted me for some reason.

I got there and the two kids where out side fighting  with each other, I broke them apart and went inside "you called?" I asked.

"yes I want you to help me build three humized gegi's!" he said loudly and up beat,

"um why?",

"i also need you to disappear next week I want to challenge the others,"

" I have school",

"fine then play my game then."


"why?!" he cryied,

"umm because I don't play games I have no reson to leave town.", I said and yorhichi showed up,

"why are you here."

" caption yamaototo sent me to give you this.", she said waking me with a kido.

"help kiskake and ill release is."

" where the stuff, do you have design mod souls," I asked,



"what was that."

"let me down into the room what every the sounds don't open. im serious." I sighed grabbing the gugi stuff.

I made the bodys with in three hours , easy the simply stuff, now the harder stuff, I transference of the mods souls special powers, I done that so I pull my mod soul in one of them and got her to test it out, in all of them, and it worked like I hopped, but the thing that was bothering me was what was going in there was is safe. so I add a kill switch to them all, and then took them up, "done take this thing off me now ." I said,

"heres a all expensive paid trip to the soul society for the weak," he said kicking me out of my gigu into the portal lunching me into the soul society.

I got out of the building I crash into yardoich showed her faces,"removing the seal turns you human for 1 and harf weeks, so take your time to relaxs in the soul society rukia said shell be happy to see you and you can stay there to I came get you." she said flash stepping off.

rukia and byucukic showed up, "cow!" I screamed at her,

"why are you yelling for." rukia said,

" well I wasn't plaining to come back here anytime soon with powers I only have my Quincy ones" i groweled.

"what are you worrying about theres no hollows here" byucukic said,

'"well your not the one who cracked kempisge over the head with a wooden sword knocking him out," I said,

"really?' rukia said,


"thats funny no ones ever done that to that guy."rukia butted in,

"send me home." I demoned,

"your go stay with rukia in squad 13 barracks." bukuyc said walking off.

 "um that's werid." rukia said.

"okay are you sure that juishrio will be all right will me caming to stay with you."I asked ,

"I think it will be fine we can train together," she said.

"I going to be doing a lot of running from that kempagie this weak." I sighed.

the week and harf had past. and I didn't see that kempagie but I didn't leave the squad 13 grounds, me and rukia trained I used my sb Quincy powers on weak to give her chance to block me off and she did, on the final day I made my way to the sakura grounds, I don't know why but I was wanted to go there. I walked down the paths of cherry blossom trees and into the church , were they having a services, praying, I though soul reapers didn't have gods, so I walked back out to the gates some how I knew my way around this temple, but I was stop by a guy he was about 23,

"who are you." I said.

"you don't remember me ankane."he said,

"no!" I yelled,

he wasn't moving, "i was chosen to be you husband." he said,

"no I don't do things that way." I said he walked towards me,

" back up or your find out the hard way." I said,

I wasn't backing down, but the nexts thing shocked me. "i will put my sword threw your cheast,"byucukic said.

he grab me and flash stepped of to the kuticue places, "why'd you do that for," I asked curiously.

he put me down, "do I need a answer," he said,

"fine don't tell me, but ill have to save you butt sometime.", I said flash steep to the 13s base jursiho had open a gate for me to head back.

I got to the human world and dropped my gegui and I went to kiskakes shop it was the middle of the night I actived my zanputko and hollow mask and stood over the sleeping kiskise and I looked like the grim reaper, I kicked the bed, "please don't kill me." he said,

 "now if you do that to me again you will be mine." I said with the creepy hollow said,

"okay I get it you scear me."

"good." then I teleported back into my body,

I went back to ichigos, ranting on about kiskake, "you know he told as why he sent you to the soul society he want to test us he knew you would crush them." ichigo said.

"ill cursh you." I snalled. and went to bed.

got up in the morning and went to school and find the test results up for mid year, up I was number 1, like all ways I work hard, and ichigos stupid friend called me a nerd, "ichigo do you mine." I ask.

" go a head.", he said and I kicked him,

"don't you dear call me a nerd again!" I yelled, final back to some normal

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